The beginning

21 3 4

*Also Kuroo, Yaku, and Lev never attended Nekoma*

*this includes the first 3 videos of my series*

(Kenma's POV)

I got finished with my classes and headed down to the gym and got changed, I was late like always. "Hey guys," I say as a walked in the gym. "Look she showed up," my best friend Yamamoto said to me. "Oh shut up," I said back putting my stuff down. I got this feeling like someone is watching me a brushed it off. I have been having this feeling of a while. you shouldn't take this to lightly I said to myself walking back to the court. "We should get practice started," I said. A few minutes went by and we were practicing, I was working on my receives with Yamamoto everything was fine until I got that feeling again and I couldn't tell where the stares were coming from, but I could brush this off, I got distracted. "Hey Kenma are you ok," Yamamoto called to me. "Ummmm yeah," I said getting my head back into practice. "Are you sure," he called to me once again. I turned my head to the door of the gym and said to him, "I have been feeling like somebody is watching me." I walk towards him not wanting to be by to door. "why have you been feeling that way," he asked it looked like he was trying to hide this shocked expression, but I didn't think anything of it. I shrugged. "How long have you had these feelings," Yamamoto asked me. "A month to a month and a half I think," I responded. "I'll be right back," he said as he ran out the door with his phone. Ok that was weird, I thought to myself. "Stop staring and get back to practice," I said to the team. "Alright," the team said.

(Yamamoto's POV)

Shit, I thought to myself when Kenma said she has been feeling like someone was watching her. I asked her trying to hide the shock in my voice and expression, "Why have you been feeling that way?" She shrugged. Ok so she doesn't know who but she's smarter then people give her credit for, she's figure it out. I decided to ask her one more question. "How long have you had these feelings," I asked scared that she'd see through me. She kept looking at the door while answering, "A month to a month and a half I think." SHIT, IT COULD BE ANYONE OF THEM, I thought to myself. "I'll be right back," I said running out the door with my phone. I ran away from the gym just so that no one could hear me and called HIM. "What is it now," he sounded pissed, it honestly scared me. "Look we have a problem," I said to him. "What could possibly be wrong this time," he sounded like he was getting angrier. "She knows that someone is watching her and not just that it could be the others too, you need to get her before they do," I said trying not to piss him off more. "Ok," he said, "tonight, try and get her to walk home with you." 'Got it," I said. I hung up the phone and went back to the gym.

(Kenma's POV)

Yamamoto came back into the gym, he didn't look panicky as before. "Hey why did you just run out like that," I asked him. "Oh what you said reminded me of something so I had to make a phone call," he said. "Oh ok," I said. I don't believe him, something else is going on. Maybe I should keep my distance as much as possible for a while, I thought to myself as we got back to practicing. We helped the 1st years get through practice and helped them learn so tricks here and there. We took a 30 minute break and cooled down. Yamamoto was looking at his phone while I was helping our manager hand out waters. Maybe he is waiting for someone to call or text, I thought to myself, who knows honestly. I turned towards the door once again, that feeling again. I've noticed it's worse at practice then any other time. I can't just brush it off, I have to be aware, I thought. "Hey you alright," the manager asked. "Yeah," I said smiling. I noticed out the corner of my eye that Yamamoto was staring at me. I pretended not to notice and moved on from it.

(Yamamoto's POV)

She's definitely on to me. I don't know if she saw me staring at her or not but it doesn't matter I have to focus on the task at hand. If I don't he might kill me if I mess this up. Our break was over we got back on the court and practiced some more. I tried to talk to Kenma but it seemed to be like she was avoiding me. Did she catch on already? That's what I thought until she came up to me. "Hey Yamamoto are you doing ok," she asked me. "Yeah I'm doing good, why." I answered. "You just seemed off right after I told you about me feeling like people are watching me," she responded. I almost froze, did she just say people? "Did you say people," I asked, then added, "and of course I'm to worry about you you're my best friend." She looked at me, and said, "Yeah it sometimes feels like there are about 5 people watching me, and it's always a pattern though." A pattern?! What was she talking about and 5 people, which means I was right the others are watching her as well. Oh he's not going to be happy to here that. "What do you mean 5 people and a pattern," I asked I wanted answers. She looked down at her feet then the door, then me again before speaking, "Well there is this weird pattern like, sometimes it's one, then another time later on in the day it's two, idk if it's the same person from before and then another person, and then when I'm walking to practice the are two again, but right now and at our practices for the month, all 5 are watching me." I just stood there, she knows something is up, she has too she's not dumb. "Oh my that's terrible," I responded. "Yeah we should get back to practice now," she said and with that she ran off to help the 1st years.

(Kenma's POV)

After talking to Yamamoto, I went to help the 1st year setter with his setting. We worked on that for a few minutes and by the time we were done it was time to go. We all cleaned the gym up and the team was leaving I said, "good practice today guys." Everyone was changed, I was the only one who wasn't. I finish up with a few things. "Hey Kenma do you need me to walk you home," Yamamoto asked before leaving. I was still kind of unsure about the thing that has happened today so I said, "No, I'll be fine, I'm going to get changed and head hoe, you be safe though." "You too, Kenma," he said walking out the gym. I felt the stares again, who or what keeps watching me, I thought. I brushed it off. It's whatever as long as I can get home then I'm ok, I thought. going into the changing room.

(Yamamoto's POV)

God damn it I tried to get her to walk with me it didn't work. Well I guess it's time for plan B. Just straight up kidnap her. I kind of feel sorry for her. She really seemed uncomfortable when talking about it. Stop thinking like that you have one thing to do get her before and of the other 4 get to her.

(No ones POV)

Yamamoto walked a little bit but stayed by the gym waiting for Kenma to get out of the gym. He knew what he had to do, but was it the right thing to do. I mean she trust him and he was just going to backstab her like that.

(Kenma's POV)

I got done changing, I put my clothes in my bag and thought for a second before walking out. Should I have taken his offer? I turned off the lights and locked up the gym. Then started to walk home nothing felt off expect for the feeling that someone is watching me. I tried to convince myself that I'm safe but then all of a sudden it went black.

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