The unexpected

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*This one is going to be just Kenma's POV*

(Kenma's POV)

"I'm tried of sitting here waiting for them, what is taking so long it shouldn't take that long to fight off 3 people with 2 people on-" I stopped talking because realization hit me, "wait 3 people didn't Yamamoto say that there were 4." Before I could get the rest of my thoughts together and plan for something to happen, someone put their hand over my mouth, "There were supposed to be 4 people there, you're very smart, huh," a voice said from behind me. I decided to do the one thing I could think of the get free. I bit him and ran and all I heard from behind me was, "OW, YOU FUCKING BITCH, GET BACK HERE!" I got a slight look at him before rounding the corner and ducking out the building. After I got out the building, I stopped to catch my breath and figure out where I was going to hide next. As I was running off I heard the guy say something. After running for a few minutes, I stopped to think and also to make sure no one was following me. "I'm finally free. I should probably find somewhere to hide for now." I said to myself. I saw a building a few ways down it looked abandoned for the most part I could hide out there for a while, till everything calmed down at least. It's probably not the smartest option but what other choice do I have. Idk where I'm at so I can't go home and honestly that would be the first place they would look tho. I sat there for a few minutes. I didn't want to move because it would be just my luck if I moved and any one of them were there. "Hopefully they won't find me here," I said to myself. I look at the window to see it's dark outside, that makes sense, but I missed practice. All of a sudden I saw a figure next me and before I could react, someone's head went over my mouth. That person spoke, "Akaashi I found her." So this one is Bokuto and the other person Akaashi. I was about to try and pull his hand off but I guess that Akashi person spoke, "I wouldn't try anything, Bokuto is kind of strong so you won't get away easily, but come with us please, let her go Bo." He took his hand off from over my mouth. "Come on, we're not going to hurt you, I promise. We would never do that to you," Bokuto said as I got up and walked out of the building. We walked together for 30 minutes. We walked in complete silence, for those 30 minutes. We got to a building, no more like a house. We walked into the house still completely silent, Bokuto walked off to sit on the couch. Akaashi pushed forward a little. "Over there," he said pointing to a door. Please don't be this bullshit again, I thought to myself. We walked into the room, it was actually a nice room. "This will be your room you will stay in. You can roam around the house whenever you want but you can't leave. If you need anything me and Bo will be somewhere in the house," he said. He walked out of the room. "Well this is better then sitting on the damn floor," I said to myself. I laid down on the bed and got lost in my thoughts. What if I did stay with them? They would probably keep me away from the others, I thought to myself while I laid there. It doesn't seem so bad. I sat there for like 30 to 40 minutes. I decided on what I was going to do. I got up and went to look for Akaashi or Bokuto. I walked into the living room and found them both, Bokuto laying on the couch sleeping, with Akaashi laying next to him readinga book. "Hey Akaashi, can I ask a question," I asked. He looked up from his book, "Yeah, what's up?" I looked down at the ground and said, "Do you think I can stay here with you and Bokuto?" He closed his book and sat up, making sure he didn't wake Bokuto, "Yeah of course, but what made you decide that?" I paused knowing what I wanted to say but I was trying to decide if I wanted to. "I think y'all can treat me better then any of them can," I said and then I remembered, "And another thing I need some clothes, other then this. I chuckled a little bit. He chuckled too and said, "Right of course, I'll go get those for you." "Thank you," I said. "Of course," he said. He shook Bokuto awake, "Bo, wake up." "Hm, what?" He sat up wondering why Akaashi woke him up. "Hey I'm going to go get her some different clothes," Akaashi said standing up. Bokuto noticed that I was standing there. "Ok," he said, then he asked me, "Do you want to come sit down?" "Sure," I responded. I walked near the couch at and sat on the other side of the couch. Akaashi left and I talked to Bokuto the whole time that he was gone. Akaashi came back 30 minutes later. "Your clothes are in your closet," he said walking out the room. "Thank you," I replied. "You're welcome," he said as he sat on the couch across from us. We sat there and talked for a little bit. "Well I'm going to get changed," I said as I stood up. "Ok," Akaashi said. As I rounded the corner to the room I heard Akaashi say, "I'm glad she decided to staying with us." Then Bokuto say, "Me too." I walked into the room, I haven't fully accepted it as my room yet. I was talking to myself. When a hand went over my mouth I looked over, and to my horror it was Kuroo. "Found you, you really thought you could get away from me that easily," he said he sounded pissed, "Now let's go." He dragged out the window. That must be how he got in. Will Akashi and Bokuto find me? How did he get in through the window? Why wasn't it locked? I have so many questions. I don't know what I'm going to do.

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