Unfolded events

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(Kenma's POV)

I got up and went to bed, I assumed they locked the window, but I was to tired to actually check so I let myself assume. I feel asleep while in my thoughts. I woke up to a loud noise, I couldn't tell what it was at first I sat up and saw a figure standing by the door. I couldn't tell who or what it was. Until it turned around, it was Kuroo. I looked over to the window, it was opened. FUCK, I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING CHECKED IT. "Oh," he said, "did I wake you?" He sounded fucking pissed, but also concerned. Was he trying not to wake me? He walked over towards me, I jumped up, and moved around him getting to the door. I was freaking out and shaking. I couldn't get myself to unlock to the door. All I did while trying to get the door unlocked was scream for Akaashi and Bokuto. Kuroo tried to grab me but I moved and ended up backing up into my closet door, he cornered me. while he was saying something to me I shouted out to Akaashi and Bokuto one more time. I heard them outside the door trying to get it open. They could obviously hear him. Then he slammed his hand on the desk nearby. "KENMA?!" Akaashi shouted. In only a few seconds before Kuroo could grab me Bokuto got the door open and hit Kuroo while Akaashi comforted me. Bokuto chased Kuroo out of the window. Shut the window and locked it. "Fuck, Kenma are you ok?!" Bokuto asked kneeling down by me. "Yeah I'm fine now," I responded leaning into Akaashi's hug. "Why don't you come lay down with us so that if Kuroo comes back? That's if you want to, if you don't want to you can stay in here," Akaashi offered. "I think staying with y'all would be nice," I responded. He let me go out of his embrace and held out his hand. I grabbed it and pulled myself up off the ground. "Alright, let's go lay down now," Bokuto said. We walked to their room and I laid down in between them and fell asleep right away. I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Bo and 'Kaashi weren't there. 'Probably in the living room,' I thought to myself. I walked out of their room and went to the living room. I walked down the hall and saw both of them on the couch, 'Kaashi reading with his head on Bo lap and Bo just sitting there admiring him. "Hey guys?" I questioned walking from out the hallway, "can I go to practice?" Bokuto and Akaashi looked up at me.

A/n: I'm going to discontinue this because I have no motivation for this anymore, maybe if I get this motivation back I will continue it

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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