Again with him

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(Kenma's POV)

We got back to the building, house, whatever you want to call it. He threw me on the ground in that room once again. So many questions went through my mind. "Now stay in here, and don't try anything again," he said as he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. All I did was sit there sad and hurt. Would Akaashi and Bokuto find me?

(Akaashi's POV)

It had been maybe 15 minutes since she went to go change. "Bo what is taking her so long," I asked him with a worried look. "I don't know 'Kaashi," he looked at me. "I'm going to go check on her," I said getting up from my seat. I had an uneasy feeling. I walked to the door, I knocked on the door and waited for a response. There was no response tho. I knocked again, "Kenma?" Still no response. I tried turned the doorknob, but it wouldn't turn. It was locked. "BOKUTO," I shouted out to him. He came running to the room. "What happened, what's wrong," he said look confused and worried. "The door it's locked and she isn't responding," I said worried, there are so many things that could have happened. I asked him, "where is the key?" He ran back to our room. A second later he ran back out of our room screaming, "HERE, IT'S RIGHT HERE!" I could tell he was worried, I can hear it in his tone. He handed me the key. (Also just to let y'all know Kenma did lock the door when she went to go change. And yk those doors with the hole on the outside so you can unlock it from the outside if need be, that's this kind of door.) I unlocked the door and to mine and Bokuto's horror, the window was open and Kenma was no where to be seen. "Did she leave us," Bokuto asked grabbing me. I didn't answer I was in shock. It took me a second but I finally responsed to his question, "there is no way she could have, I refuse to believe she just left us." Then it hit me like a damn bullet, I turn to Bo with fear in my eyes, "Wait wasn't the window unlocked?" He looked at me and then walked out of the room. I followed him. "Bo?" He looked at me, "it was unlocked, I forgot to lock it back before we left to go after her. This is my fault." He started crying. I went up a hugged him and said, "This isn't your fault and no one is blaming you but for now we have to figure out which one took her." He hugged me back still crying into my shoulder. He mumbled, "Let's go find the one who took her." We left the house and went to go look for her.

(Kenma's POV)

Why am I with him again? I didn't know if he was here or not. I decided to try my luck, I mean it's not like he's going to hurt me, right? I started yelling for help, "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME, ANYONE PLEASE. PLEASE BEFORE HE GETS HERE. PLEA-" I was cutting off by a hand over my mouth. It was Kuroo, while as soon as he put his hand over my mouth he said, "Hush, hush keep your pretty mouth shut hush, hush," he kept moving his hand across my face it was fucking weird, i swear if my hands weren't tired I'd so hit him, he kept going on tho, "lose your inhibitions I'll let you in on my dark side show you what hell really feels like I can keep a secret," he threw my head away from him, "if you hush, hush." I refused to look at him but what he said next, threw me off. "No one has to know what I'll do," he said then he walked out. I repeated it to myself I guess hoping it would make senseto me if I did "No one has do know what he'll do?" It still didn't make sense. What does that even mean? A few minutes later he came back into the room. Before he could say anything I said, "I want to back to Akaashi and Bokuto." He looked at me and asked the dumbest question, "Why do you want to go back to Akaashi and Bokuto, Kenma?" I looked at him like he was fucking stupid, "Are you on drugs?, ARE YOU FUCKING ON DRUGS?! WHY DO I WANT TO GO BACK TO AKAASHI AND BOKUTO?!" I just sat there dumbfounded and upset. He looked pissed off, "YOU KNOW WHAT BE LIKE THAT YOU BITCH," He yelled at me and then walked out the room slamming the door. This fucker really has some nerve, don't he. I eventually passed out, I only knew that I did because I woke to people screaming at each other. I was kind of in and out of it trying to fully wake up. I couldn't tell who it was at first. I tried to listen to who it was, I couldn't really tell but the voices were familiar. "Akaashi..?" "Bokuto..?" I mumbled to myself. I was still in and out of it, I hadn't really slept so that would make since. I decided to try my only shot at getting out of here, since I was to tired to get up myself, I hoped and prayed for Akaashi or Bokuto to hear me, "Guys, I'm right here." I don't know if anyone of them heard me but I could only pray.

(Akaashi's POV)

While I was arguing with Kuroo's bitch ass self I heard something for near the window we were standing by, "Guys, I'm right here." I turned around to the window and under my breath I said, "Kenma...?" I turned to Bokuto and whispered to him, "she's here." He looked at me. "Can you two just leave we don't have Kenma go try asking lev and Yaku, damn, just leave me alone," Kuroo said trying to push passed Bokuto. "Look we know she's here ok, so just give her up," Bokuto said standing his ground. Kuroo got in his face and Bokuto pushed him away. They both started yelling at each other. I looked over at Yamamoto he like he wanted nothing to do with this, I let him go before Kuroo noticed. I turned back to them to see Bokuto on top of him punching him over and over again. But Kuroo wasn't going down without a fight either while those two did that I slipped into the house to find Kenma. I heard something outside, while searching in the house. I couldn't tell what was said, but it was Bokuto's voice. I continued to search. I found a door it wasn't locked, I opened the door hoping and praying that Kenma was in there not hurt.

(Kenma's POV)

I heard the door open I assumed it was Kuroo but when I turned to look who it was it was Akaashi. "Akaashi," I said with a slight smile on my face. I was happy to see him. He knelt down to me and said, "hey Kenma," he brought his hand to my face, and placed his hand on the side of my face, "I'm glad that you're safe, he better have not hurt you." I felt safe with him, I knew I was going to be ok. I looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, he came out of nowhere." He grabbed my face, "hey don't blame yourself, it's not you're fault," he said, I moved my head to where I laid my head on his chest, he moved his hand and continued talking, "but hey you're safe now. Bokuto and I will make sure he doesn't get you again. Same with Yaku and Lev." I moved my head, I didn't want to be there anymore, so I asked, "Can we got home?" I called it home, i don't know why but I did and I didn't care. It felt like home I guess. "Of course, we can," he answered, "here let me untie your hands."

(Akaashi's POV)

She asked to go home, I was kind of taken back did she just call it home. Not the point. "Of course, we can," I answered, then I noticed her hands, this asshole really didn't do this, "here let me untie your hands." I untied her hands. She rubbed her wrist, how tight were those. "Let's go Kenma," I said. She got up and went walked out the house. When we walked out the house to see a beaten and passed out Kuroo and a beaten Bokuto. "BO ARE YOU OK," Kenma yelled out. "Yeah I'm ok, it's just a few hits to the head, but I'll bounce back, I promise," he said. I chuckled a little. "Sure Bo, let's go home Kenma probably needs to rest it's already like midnight and she has an eventful day. Also you need to patch up your injuries," I said as I walked passed Kuroo. I "accidentally" kicked him while walking by. Kenma laughed a little and said, "he deserves that." As we walked away Bokuto said, "mhm he sure does." We talked all the way home. We got to the house and as soon as we walked inside Kenma walked to her room and Bokuto and I went to the bathroom to tend to his injuries. Maybe 30 minutes later I walked into Kenma's room.

(Kenma's POV)

We got home at like 12:20ish AM. As soon a we walked in we both went our separate ways. I went to my room and they went to the bathroom. I was lost it thought and to tired to worry about anything else. I have had an eventful day. I changed and sat on my floor, leaning up against my bed, thinking for a good 30 minutes so it was probably around 12:40am."Hey Kenma," Akaashi said walking into my room. "Oh hey," I said looking over at him. I guess he looked at my facial expression cause he asked me with a worried tone, "is something wrong?" "No just thinking," I responded. I don't know if he thought I was telling the truth or not, but I guess he did because he said, "ok well Bokuto and I are going to head to bed." "I should actually probably do the same," I said. "Yeah we have had a rough day, good night," Akaashi said. He closed the door and I was left there once again with my thoughts. I sat up, is it possible, there is no way. Am I really in love with both of them?

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