Chapter 2

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The morning breeze...accompanied by the sound of playing children...They are loud...not loud enough for a Saturday morning...


I was awake, but my eyes were closed. Never have I ever been a heavy sleeper, but today, I was sleeping like a pig. 


I squinted a bit, the room was quite the same as yesterday, aside from the natural lighting from the morning sun, which prevented me from opening my eyes wholly.

 Despite the time, I had no intentions of getting up. 

I flipped over and faceplanted onto my down pillow. A soft and pleasurable piece of technology, a luxury that I did not have back at the orphanage. Most of my nights were spent on a rectangular cube harder than cement...

Shortly after, I felt my consciousness slowly drift back into oblivion. But something was happening...

The door to my room opened, I knew because of the squeaky noises that spiked into my ears. 

The sound of footsteps became louder by the second. Soon enough, it was right next to my bed. 

Then, I felt my blanket pulled up to my neck, covering my entire body. Warmth covered my shoulders, as I yawned unconsciously. I snuggled deeper into my blanket and wrapped it further around my body. 

 Suddenly, I felt the touch of a hand up and down my neck, brushing with tenderness. The coolness of the fingers made me shiver, causing me to retreat deeper into my bed. After a couple of seconds of hiding, I flipped around slowly and faced the figure. 

"Oh...Good Morning Villager." She said with a smile upon seeing my face. I tried to replicate the expression, but I was unable to, due to my practically dysfunctional morning brain. 

The figure was revealed to me. She had long hair, dyed with dark azure blue. I had learned just yesterday of her name, Rose. 

"Did you sleep well?" She whispered. "How was your bed?"

"...I slept well..." I whispered to her while hiding half of my face under my blanket. "...It was the best sleep I've had in a long time."

"That's good to hear, don't mind me, I'm gonna let you sleep in. I know you are still tired." She said while rubbing my cheeks, which I wasn't a fan of, but I did not object. "When you do get up later, meet me by the living room."

"...ok," I said, watching her as she slowly tiptoed back towards the exit. She looked no older than any regular high schooler from the back, but she was apparently 26.  

"Wait..." I said while sitting up with my back. Stopping her right before she stepped outside of my room. "Rose, I mean Mrs. Rose, c-can I tell you something?"

The lady smiled, and then quickly turned around towards me. She returned to the side of my bed and kneeled. 

"Yes?" She said. 

"I-I want to apologize for yesterday...I was super rude..."

"Oh no, don't apologize, what is there to apologize for? Being shy?" She said while brushing my hair. "You have been such a well-mannered boy."

"Have I?"

"Of course!" She took my hand from under the covers and held it tight. 

"I only silence...wasn't too unbearable..." I said. "I'm aware of my poor ability in speech...I'm trying to improve."

"Oh come on, you can't apologize for this." Rose laughed in a high-pitched tune. "Don't force yourself to do things, we want you to get comfortable first."

"I just want you to know that I will try my speak more...There weren't that many people to talk to...back there, so this doesn't come very easily to me..."

"I think you'll just have to be less worried Villager." She cut me off. "Take all the time you need...We'll be here as long as you need us! Remember, we are all family now alright?"

I nodded my head, a motion that I used my entire life. My life until this point had been a set of Booleans, it was either yes, or no, nothing in between.  

 "Besides," She pointed her fingers up and closed her eyes, much like a cartoon character. "Your definition of "annoying" is deeply flawed. You have more than several cousins that will help you redefine 'being annoying.' "

A sliver of joy came from the corner of my mouth, but my face couldn't complete the smile. It will take much more than that to humor me, in other words, help me regain the ability to appreciate humor. 

"Thanks..." I said as I rubbed my eyes. "I will keep it in mind."

"Mhm." She nodded. "Please don't hesitate to tell us how you feel, or the fact that you don't want to talk and want private time."

She was so genuine, so comforting. It was difficult to find fault in her, besides being slightly overprotective. I didn't mind a little bit of overprotectiveness, I would want that rather than being neglected. 

Is it premature to say that I already feel my attachment to her?

"Anyways, I'm making a smoothie, come down whenever you are ready..." She stood up and looked at me, then gave me a final smile.  "You can call me Rosie if you want, no one had ever called me Mrs. Rose, it was quite humorous to hear you call me that."

"Oh." I blushed. "S-sorry..."

"I'm being silly, call me whatever you want!" She winked at me before leaving my room. 

Her friendliness appealed to me, but it was clear that we were total opposites. 'I'm sure it will work out' I told myself.

My feet dropped to the ground and slid into slippers that somehow ended up under the bed. As my morning ritual goes, I left my room and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth. I then stripped myself naked and hopped into the bath, which was supplied with unlimited amounts of warm water. After years of cold showers, I fully embraced this luxury and took my sweet time as pleasant streams ran down my body. While wrapping myself in towels, I drew some faces on my mirror by wiping away the moisture, which somehow humored me for a couple of minutes. After leaving the showers, I went into my closet and picked out a red undershirt, a light gray jacket, navy blue jeans, and a pair of green socks, all radiating with the bitter smell of detergent. 

Upon finishing changing, I walked down the staircase and entered the Livingroom, where the man sat with his laptop. Digby, that's his name. 

"Good morning!" The man said while waving his hands at me, notably more energetic than the night before. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," I answered. It wasn't entirely true, "well" can be interpreted differently from person to person, but fuck, it was the best sleep I've ever gotten, even though that bar wasn't set very high. "It was so good that I didn't want to wake up." 

The man looked at the clock above him, it currently reads 11:09, he roared with laughter. 

"I'm just glad you slept well." He said before going back to his laptop. 

Breakfast was neat, pistachio and avocado smoothie plus crackers. I guess they already knew I was a vegetarian, not that it really mattered back then, having meat for dinner was a myth for dirty scums like me. 

I chugged the entire cup of green liquid in one gulp, while Rosie watched me. I knew what she was thinking, she knew what I was thinking. 

"Sorry..." I whimpered as I wiped my mouth. "I've never had something as good as this."

"I'll make it for you every day!" She laughed. "All you have to do is ask!" 

After taking my compliments on the drink, she sat down beside me, while the man entered the room. This was another talk, this had to be. 

"I know this is your first day Villa, and I know you want to rest..." The man said. "But we were given an opportunity today..."

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