chapter 4

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The lady pushed her chair back and stood up. She rubbed her hands against her eyes, then made her way to the back of the room. A door stood behind her desk, where the noises came a couple of minutes ago.

Hands on the handle, she jerked it down and opened the door. I did not have any expectations, therefore I cannot be disappointed.

Eagerly, I rested my eyes on the opened door. After a second or two, a girl came with a blonde ponytail, tied with red ribbons, followed by a boy with short brown hair. Both of them shot me a smile, before slowly pedaling their way to two plastic chairs on the side of the counselor's desk.

I took a better look at the two figures; The girl was notably taller than her counterpart sitting next to her, she was in a jacket with the words "Beyond the Summit," the three-word chant of the school's sports teams(I knew this because of prior research). Girls never interested me, but she was pretty, appearance at least...You never know, appearance doesn't mean everything, knowing my luck, she could very much be an asshole. The boy was definitely shorter than average, but still seemed taller than me, which wasn't surprising. He had the looks of a nerd at first glance, aka the "lady repellant," but had a cute enough face, for me anyway. He was wearing a T-shirt showcasing various retro games, something of a good first impression, I am something of a video game nerd myself...

"Let's take turns, grade-school style. Don't take this too formally people." The counselor said, which made the two of them snicker slightly. "Joanna, ladies first."

"Yo, Whatsup," The girl said in a cheery tone. "Villager?"

"Yeah..." I said while nodding.

"You can call me Nana (Note that this specific character is the Nana from Mother 3, not Smash), they all do, it's not my real name, but it kinda stuck." She said. "There's no relation between these two names, Joanna and...Nana, even I don't know how they smashed into each other."

"It's a Greek name." I half-spoke half-whispered. "I think, that Nana was a common translation of Joanna when it came to modern Latin languages."

The girl smiled and shook her head.

"I was told that you were quite knowledgeable in many fields, and what you told me, was some pretty niche cultural knowledge." She blinked twice. "My parents are actually born in Japan, so no, Joanna and Nana, pure coincidence, I have no relation with Greece. "

"Joanna is quite impressive, in my opinion. She achieved Vice-president status in the school's student council as a freshman." The woman said. "The first one I've ever seen."

"Isabelle, please don't make it sound like a big deal..." She said, while scratching her forehead, while a small blush appeared.

"Well," I said. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She said. "I would like to ask you something, Villager."

I nodded, and she continued.

"You don't have to, obviously, but we would love to have you on the school's think team." She said. "As a representative of the team and its members, we were awed by your papers on machine learning. Despite it being only theories and hypotheses, we saw a physical reality in your statements, every one of them. I mean, come on! Guesses or BS, still impossibly impressive as a middle school student, what are you? A genius?"

"Yeah..." The brunette next to the girl spoke his first words. "I don't know what she's talking about, but...How are you that smart? From what people told me, you have like, photographic memory."

"What? No...I-" I was staring into my lap, but was delighted. It was so great knowing that my papers were viewed by actual people, other than 90-year-old professors in Europe. "It's not that good...It was just my thoughts on things...I wrote it in such a foreign fashion to impress's not like I can understand it all."

"Thought on things?" She said, now raising her voice. "Don't downplay yourself, good for you dude, I-I am a big fan, let me put it there."

"You have some loyal fans, Villager," Isabelle said. "I bet you didn't even know it!"

"Definitely not..." I said. "Thank you guys so much for...I don't know, reading those boringly technical and just...weird papers. Nana, I will consider joining the team, when I get more settled in."

"That will be cool." She said, before looking at the boy beside her. "I said everything I wanted to say..."

"Guess it's my turn now?" The brunette said. "Nice to meet you, Villager, I'm uh, Rock. Unfortunately, it seems like I am a bit out of your league when it comes to academics and brainpower because I had no idea what the frick you two just said, uh haha..."

"Oh please, since Rocky (Megaman, if you haven't caught up) is shoving himself into the manhole, let me introduce him correctly. State mathematics first placer, he's sitting right there." Isabelle said, cutting the boy off. "He is taking college-level calculus BC, in 9th grade, can you believe it?"

"That's amazing," I said, pleasantly surprised by the boy sitting in front of him. And I was there thinking that he was just some random kid, what kind of monster takes BC as a 9th grader.

"Something weird like that...My parents are pretty keen on math. I am pretty mediocre at everything else."

In the beginning, I thought I was presented with two random volunteers. But now, it seemed like that not only are they not normal, like me.

They were the cream of the crop, like me.

I was feeling more relaxed.

"Hey...Your eyes were glued on my shirt, are you interested in video games?"

"Oh...Sure." I said. "It's pretty cool."

"Really?" He gasped, his mouth opening a bit. His hair, his expression, somehow, I saw myself in him, it was as if something just, clicked.

"Yeah," I said. "I appreciate them, as part of history."

"I'm so happy right now, I didn't think anyone liked these things in the entire school."

"Imagine talking about Videogames in such a serious setting..." Nana said.

"I need breaks! You know? Unlike you...the actual Nerd." Rock said, who clearly angered the girl. "Villager, don't be fooled, this meeting isn't formal at all, here's my friendly chitchat, what's your favorite g-"

"Sorry Rocky...We have a time limit today...And now is a better time than ever to show Villager around the campus."

"Aww man," He said, "We can talk while walking..."

The duo stood up and went for the door, I slowly followed from behind, not taking any big steps.

"Around the school?" Nana asked. "All of it?"

"Yup." Isabelle said while handing me a piece of paper, "This is your crafted schedule...Look for these classes."

I took the papers, held them in my hand, and watched as they opened the office door in front of me.

'Friends...' I thought. 'Hm? Maybe this isn't so bad...'

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