Chapter 3

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"I should probably slow down, but this is great news!" The man said after taking a deep breath, his hands and fingers moved in distress. "Freshman year can be quite challenging for transfers, especially now that school had already started."

I nodded my head and exchanged glances between the pair.

"So, and I...Arranged a little something to help you get started on Monday. A little meetup, with a few students..." He continued. "Interested?"

Meetup? Let me guess, my former school made extra sure to tell everyone that I had no friends.

"Uh...I don't know how I feel about it..." I said after a pause. "I don't want to be the reason that people are stuck in school on a Sunday."

"Oh come on! Only two kids are coming, they are in the same grade as you and have relatively similar schedules as you. They could be friends?" Rosie said after hearing my response. "Please Villager, Please."

"The counselor at the high school that you are going to, who is conveniently my sister, worked hard to find a good time...Luckily for us, they happen to have some spare time today..."

The two eagerly stared me down, awaiting my response.

"This is great and all," I said, after a few seconds. " But I would rather not, thanks for the offer..."

I sat upright and exchanged several more glances with them. Did that come off as rude? Maybe it wasn't the best response? The man exchanged looks with Rosie, who returned with glances. I should have said yes, shouldn't I?

"Let me be honest with you Villager. You are not a child anymore." The man said after a lengthy pause, "We would like to address your dangerously antisocial lifestyle, this isn't a joke: You need to talk to people, and I'm not trying to be rude. According to the ladies down at the orphanage, you've never had any friends, and that's a big issue. We understand your social anxiety, but we think if you could make some friends...It could potentially help you with your mental issues..."

"No..." I said instantly without any pause, cooperating to the worst of my extent. "please...don't-"

Great, now that I've rejected them three times, they probably hate me already.

Another long pause went by, through the awkwardness of Digby continuously trying to speak, but failing before his words come out. After more than three tries, the man broke:

"Please..." The man begged, an expression that I did not expect to find from a father figure. "We are scared...Villager...They said your condition was getting worse and worse before you came here, they told us about your tendencies. We went to seek specialists, and socialization is what they recommended...."

The next moment, both of them were on the verge of tears, like I was at a point of no return. It was one comical sight, to see tears so sudden, but I knew exactly why. They knew my demons, of course, they knew. Ultimately, I guess they should be informed rather than not. 

I was thankful, for the level of attention and care they've clearly put into me. However, I couldn't help but find the situation almost weird. Frankly, if I really was at 'the point of no return', why would they adopt me in the first place? Surely there are better kids out there who aren't as concerning as me. 

Out of the many orphans that exist in this world...why me? A horribly malnourished, mentally distressed, suicidal, homosexual weirdo...Well, I guess I know why, fate, that is. 

And for them to go that much out of their way to find me, seek doctors for me...It couldn't be anything but fate, it wasn't logical.

If fate had it this way, I might as well cooperate...It wasn't like I had any options...

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