Chapter 1, Greetings

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-Y/N point of view-

'Why am I even doing this...'
A feeling of impatience washed over Y/N as brick met mortar once again, the morning sun had long since passed, leaving the dusk sky to fade, the brightest stars only beginning to show.
'Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll finish the outer walls.' They told themself again. Climbing down the chain and walking back the makeshift trail, past the overgrowth of the island. Stopping by a river, washing the mortar away with the dirt and dust. They stared at the fish as they swam by, before whacking their tail into the water, startling them away.


As Y/N reached the bridge between the land of magic and the land of technology, they considered paying P03 a (likely unwelcome) visit, it had been a long, arduous, and frankly boring day, and they would love to irritate their favorite Scrybe. Plus, they had been running low on material, and P03 being the perfectionist it is, had plenty scrap to throw away.
Y/N continued down the bridge, watching the colorful forests fade behind them, and the sterile, well-kept dystopia approach. They saw the cyan beam that would levitate them to the upper platform, where their destination lay. This always gave them great anxiety, they always thought it would be like swimming, but it couldn't be farther off. It was like being pulled by every piece of your being, set there until you reached the top. Trapped.
They wavered, questioning if this was worth it. 'I can always come tomorrow, maybe P03 could just, set them here? It's not like it wants to see me anyways, I'm sure they've had a long day too. Maybe I should just-' they were cut off by the buzz of an overhead speaker, as it cleared, the voice became all too familiar.
"Do you need something? Or are you just gonna stand there gawking?" P03.
Y/N was caught off guard, the speakers seemed to blare and buzz long after P03 stopped talking. 'Well, I guess I'm kind of obligated to come inside now' Y/N thought.
"I need some scrap and I was- um-"
The static of the speaker waited, uncharacteristically patient.
"Honestly I'm really fucking bored. Mind if I come in?"
"...Of course." Y/N could practically hear the sigh it wasn't even capable of. "Well, I have plenty of trash. Come get it."
Y/N paused again, dreading the way up, but the obligation to hurry up forced them onward.

The cyan beam met their hand, and it pulled the rest of them in.
They couldn't think.
The sensation was like being tugged by every atom at once, some atoms being pulled harder than others. Static coated their nerves and their mind went numb.
The cyan of the beam that coated their vision ceased, and all at once, everything returned to normal.
They took a moment to collect themselves as the whiplash faded. 'Something tells me that's not made for organics...' Y/N thought, humor hiding the sheer dread they felt.

They stumbled, pushing themselves to their feet, and walking forwards to the large factory doors. They waited outside for a moment, before the doors let out a sharp BEEP and granted them entry.

"Welcome back."

The Scrybe of Curiosities (Inscryption, P03 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now