🩸Chapter 6, Proxy

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-Y/N's point of view-

The only thing that didn't sit right was his ownership of what Y/N should've had..
The sea.

Leshy got up from the old oak table, the floorboards creaked with age as he went into the kitchen in the next room, motioning for Y/N to follow. "So, to what do I owe this visit?" Leshy asked, filling a cast iron kettle to the brim with water, adding some camomile and lavender flowers and setting it on the gas stovetop. Y/N spoke as the burner clicked to life, "Just wandering, been a long couple of days, and.. well, I know you don't like it, but I'm worried about P03." Leshy looked somewhat annoyed, but unsurprised. "Oh, don't worry yourself about it. it's always mad about something, like it needs to gripe to survive." "Yeah, just, this time seemed different." Y/N stared into the patterns of the wooden table, tracing the designs with her gaze. "Different how?" Leshy seemed intrigued, despite his annoyance with the bot, he did try to be good to it, but being kind to it's face was impossible without sending it into an egotistical rant. "P03 was being really nice, or- nice for P03. He let me repair them, thanked me, even let me stay the night! But, when I woke up he just kicked me out. I don't know what happened in the like, two hours I was asleep to make them so mad..." "That's P03 for you, I guess." Despite his empty answer, he did seem pretty confused. P03 may be an asshole, but he was a pretty consistent asshole. Leshy had never seen it be particularly nice to anyone, and it was hard to imagine the stubborn robot doing a full 180 in just a couple hours. "Well, I don't know much about it, but I could bring it up tomorrow at the Scrybe meeting if you'd like." Leshy said, almost as curious as Y/N about the bot's strange mood swings. "Hmm, only if it comes up. I don't want to make things awkward by bringing up his emotions out of nowhere.." "Fair enough, I do have another question though," Leshy said, as the kettle began to whistle. "why do you keep calling P03 'he' and 'they'? It's a robot." Y/N looked at Leshy, trying to find an answer, "I don't know, honestly. Some of his bots call them 'he' and 'they', and I've kinda just been saying that for as long as I've known them. P03 has never specified what their pronouns are, so I just went with what his subordinates called him." Leshy hummed in response, pouring three cups of tea. "Interesting. Well, how about we continue chatting over some tea?" He brought out a tray and put a bowl of sugar, some milk, and a few teaspoons on it, along with the cups of tea he had poured. Y/N and Leshy both walked out to see the challenger fidgeting with a set of dice. "Here, challenger. Let's take a rest, shall we?" Motioning over to the couch, and setting the tray on the low table in front of it. Y/N sat on the floor, mostly for the sake of the other two, since Y/N was only slightly above their eye level on the floor. The challenger looked at Y/N and used ASL to ask 'what were you two talking about?' "Oh, you see, challenger, one of the other Scrybes has been a tad bit.. off." Said Leshy, not knowing how to explain the situation to someone who has yet to meet P03. As if summoned, a robot entered without so much as a knock. "Hello. The master has ordered me to watch you lose." It turned to Leshy, the small light by it's camera indicating it was recording. "Ah, I see." Leshy said, annoyed their break had been interrupted, but knowing P03 was not one to keep waiting, he stood and went back to his seat at the table, the challenger following suit. Y/N decided they may as well watch along, with the bot to Leshy's right, standing by the middle of the table, Y/N sat on the floor across from the bot, waving to it as they sat. The bot waved back, pleasantly surprised by the greeting.
The battle wore on, but in the end, the challenger won. "Congratulations, you've bested me. I'm glad to see how much you've learned and improved, and I can only hope to battle you again one day." Leshy said, giving the challenger a nod, and shaking their hand. Both Leshy and the challenger had a look of joy and pride, and the challenger left. "Now that the battle is over, I will return to my master." The robot said, quickly leaving the cabin. Y/N called after it, "Tell P03 I said hi!!" They yelled, hoping it got the message.
"Well, I know you're far from home. You'd best be on your way before it's too dark." Leshy stated, noticing the rising moon in the dim lit sky. "Oh, yeah. Thank you for your hospitality, and for listening to me ramble.." Y/N replied. "Anytime. Have a good night, Y/N, and I'll let you know how it goes with the bucket o' bolts." He chuckled.
Y/N decided a night walk would help to clear their mind, but all it did was cloud it further. 'Is P03 well? Why did he send a bot to watch Leshy lose? Usually they'd come in person to mock him. What about the challenger? How are they gonna face P03 if he's locked up in the factory, are they gonna send a proxy bot? Is that even allowed??' Their mind ran, the noise of the surrounding forest faded out, and Y/N was once again enthralled in their head. So preoccupied they didn't hear the crunch of the leaves nearby.
Y/N pondered how that bot would even get back into the factory,
the whole place was essentially on lockdown..
Although, it really wasn't their business.
They were so preoccupied, they didn't even notice the shadowed figure before them, until it was too late..
"Holy shit!" Y/N yelled, bumping into/tripping over the bot P03 had sent, it seemed to be stuck, it's legs tangled in a mess of vines. "Hello." It greeted, it's voice emotionless and polite. "Uh, are you good? You need me to untangle you?" Y/N asked. "Please do." It replied, clearly struggling to get out.
Y/N crouched down in the thorns an vines, careful to not prick themself. Vine by vine, they detangled the bot, although it was definitely a process. It required so much focus, they didn't even notice the crunching get closer.

🩸Gore starts here🩸

The bot stood, but as Y/N tried to do the same, they felt a sharp pain cut down their left calf, a long, thorny vine had become tangled around it. The bot didn't notice, looking behind Y/N, letting out a series of beeps before running off. Just as Y/N turned to look, a small wolf cub jumped at them. They cried out as it's teeth dug into their jawline, barley missing their vulnerable neck. They clawed it off, sending the cub to the ground with a sharp yelp!
They heard steps all around them, as if the cub's pack were circling them like sharks. They tried to escape from the vines, but the thorns on their calf were the least of their worries, as they felt a sharp pain ring through their tail. 'No. Nonononono—' They fully understood that the film on the tip of their tail couldn't grow back, if that ripped, it was permanent. Pain shot through their ribs as a large wolf sunk its teeth into their gills. They struggled against it, managing to tear it's jaws from their ribs, and pinned it to the ground, before twisting it's neck, only stopping at the snap! of it's neck breaking. The pain in their chest hit them, and they clutched their bleeding gills. They screamed as their right ear was grabbed in jagged, dirty teeth of another wolf, they couldn't reach it, and the tip of their right ear was ripped off by the viscous creature. They decided their tail wasn't worth it, tearing themself from the vines and teeth. They felt agony mix with the adrenaline in their blood, each thorn tearing down their skin. The film of their tail ripped like wet paper, tiny blood vessels torn to shreds. The last wolf of the pack leapt at Y/N, and for once, they swung first, clawing it's eyes before it could reach them, but the wolf was determined, finding their forearm and clamping it's jaws down onto it. Y/N retaliated, raking it's form against the bloodied thorns on the ground. Finally, they escaped. Holding their bleeding gills, the blood dripped into their respiratory system, they felt it come up to their neck gills. They couldn't falter now, the familiar archway to leave Leshy's island grew closer, but their body grew weaker by the second, and the adrenaline in their system wasn't enough to get them across the bridge, the last thing the saw was a light blue light approaching them.

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