🔮Chapter 4, Confrontation

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{have a little doodle of P03 and G0lly :)
Also uhh- the warning is that this gets kinda really sad. There's no specific point where it gets sad but like- yeah. Prepare for feels.}

-P03's point of view-

'I thought I got rid of these feelings...
so why do I feel like this?'

P03 got up from their desk, determined to find out what the fuck was wrong with them. He floated over to his personal room, equipped with a recharge station, emergency fuel containers, a few books and trinkets on various shelves, and a large computer that took up an entire wall. P03 pressed the button to turn it on, and the options flashed onto the screen.
'-Desktop- -Settings- -Files- -Cameras- -Plug-in-' The '-Plug-in-' option was dim, and couldn't be selected. The bot took a small adaption cable and plugged it into the side of his head, plugging the other end into the computer as the '-Plug-in-' option lit up. 'Here goes nothing..' P03 thought cynically, clicking the '-Plug-in-' option.
He enabled plug-ins, allowing them to upload files from himself to the computer. They clicked the '-Files-' option, and looked up an all too familiar name.
'Searching for... G0lly.exe' The computer screen flashed.
'Loading... G0lly.exe' The wait felt never-ending.
'Unpacking... G0lly.exe' And yet,
'Executing... G0lly.exe'
the wait could never be long enough.

"Helllooooo!" The new face cheered on the large screen, "G0lly." P03 greeted. "Woo! It's been awhile, hasn't it? What've you been up to? I've been searching the web, there's so many things I've wanted to sho-" "I'm not here for small talk!" P03 interrupted. "I'm here because you're clearly not doing your job." "Whadaya mean? I've been happy as a clam! Which is a weird saying since clams get ripped open and ea-" "G0lly I swear to F$@& if you don't shut up I'm gonna rip you open and feed you to the beasts."

"Someone's grumpy..." G0lly replied, before 'shutting up' as they were told.
P03 let out a series of irritated beeps, before finally getting to the topic at hand. "I've been feeling again.. as in, good feelings. Distracting feelings. Feelings that I like more than work. It's making me inefficient and I already uploaded all those happy-feely emotions onto you. So what's the problem?" "I dunno!" G0lly answered, as lost as P03. "Well clearly there's been a problem, I'm not supposed to be capable of feeling that kind of thing, but now I'm overthinking everything and feeling all these emotions and it's making work impossible! I removed those emotions. The joy and the curiosity, the boredom and the fear, I'm supposed to be a perfect machine! Incapable of being distracted and confused! Okay with working forever! Confident and sure of myself! I'm supposed to be perfect.
What's wrong with me??"
P03's proximity to G0lly was making him emotional again, having her running was like being tossed into the raging sea, waves of emotions that crashed against each other, flinging them up in the air before dragging him down. It was too much. "You're clearly no help!" He yelled, his voice glitching. "All you've done is make this problem worse! It's all your f%#&ing fault! YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!!" He slammed the keyboard, and closed G0lly.exe, the last he saw of her being a confused, worried face. 'Both things I shouldn't be capable of.' They thought.
He felt exhausted, everything that happened in the past 20-or-so hours beginning to weigh on them like rust, the only noise in the echoey room was the whirr of his fan, and the distant clang of the factory. He took a moment to lay on the floor, allowing their body to cool off.
'What's wrong with me? If this isn't G0lly's fault, then who's is it?' They thought back to all those feelings, all the times they felt that strange heat on their screen, or the ache in their chest. They all had one thing in common.
It was always with Y/N.
As if summoned, P03 could hear the chime of Y/N's alarm add itself to the rhythm of the metallic factory. 6 AM already. 'Well, you figured out the problem, now to fix it.' P03 prepared themself while floating into the storage room, trying to figure out what to say 'you need to leave... no, that sounds too caring. F@$! Off! No. They'd think I'm joking..' but as he went through the doorway to the storage room, they collided with an unexpected obstacle. Y/N.
"Ow- my bad P03! I was just looking for yo-"
"Get out."
"...What?" Y/N was definitely still tired, only having a 2 hour nap, but he had to get rid of them. They were so behind on work, and until they could sort out this oddly pleasant dysfunction, Y/N needed to leave. "Did I stutter? Or were you too busy gawking to hear me? I told you to get out." "Oh. Sorry. I'll uh, I'll get my things." They replied, walking back into the storage room. P03 headed for the scanning room, taking all of the cards he didn't want and throwing them in a bag, tying it tightly. Y/N returned, the large backpack they always had with them hung from their side. P03 couldn't help but look at their face, a new, horrible emotion he could only identify as guilt washed over them at Y/N's disappointed grimace. Despite the pain in his chest, they barked "What? Are you just gonna sit there looking like a sad puppy? Or do I have to tell you to f#%& off again?" Telling them to fuck off was a mistake, as Y/N's melancholy chuckle sent another wave of conflicting feelings though them. He had to admit, they'd miss that noise. But there was no turning back now, they flung the bag of cards at Y/N, tearing his gaze away from them, and went back to his desk. As soon as they heard the doors shut behind Y/N, they locked them, disabling the outside cameras and intercom, effectively isolating himself.
'Finally, working conditions again. Just have to wait for them to get out of my head and problem solved!' They couldn't help but pat themselves on the back, seeing this as an issue they fixed, a bug they patched. Not seeing it for what it truly was.
A friend they lost.

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