Chapter 1

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Readers POV-
You're awake in your mind but your body is asleep but standing. Your eyes open, you can can finally move your body as you step off the platform you look for your sister AJack, you see her standing looking out into space, you walk over to her to make sure she is okay, even though she is your older sister and she has always looked out for you, you still will always make sure she safe and love her. Beside being her little sister you can still hold your own against her in a fight. As you walk over to her and stand next to her you look at her while she is staring out the window, looking at this beautiful planet that has her speechless, you touch her arm trying to get her arm trying to get her attention but then you see what she is looking at and why she dosent want to look away. "It's beautiful isn't it Y/N" AJack said she sighs and looks at you "this is your first mission, may we all make it home to Olympia safe" you nod your head agreeing with her and stand there in silence still glancing over earth, then a couple feet away from you there is this gorgeous women with blonde beautiful hair, she wasn't just beautiful, she was like the sun beautiful seeing from afar. "That is thena" ajack said, "are you serious that is thena goddess of war?" You replied. "She is more beautiful then legends say" you added."when you're done staring get ready for landing" you sigh looking at the ground then look back at thena she turned at looked at you looked away real quick cause you didn't want her to know you were staring but after that it was pretty obvious. For some reason you felt like you had an unspoken connection with her.

Thenas POV-
As soon as I have all my armor on I go to look out the window, something seems familiar about this going on a new mission saving a planet from deviants looking out to a new planet, this dosent feel right, it feels like there's something missing right now I can't explain it. As I'm looking out over the planet in front of me, I feel someone watching me strange I want to turn around and see who is staring but I like the attention, the fact that someone is paying attention to me. Someone walks right next to me as I'm gazing at earth "hi I'm Gilgamesh"the man says as he puts his hand out for a handshake, "I'm thena" I reply while excepting his hand shake. "You're thena as in the goddess of war thena??" "Yes I am but thena is just fine" "we should be landing soon I look forward to our mission together Thena " "as do I" he walked away as I turned my head to the right I see some girl staring at me right when we made eye contact she turned proceeding to get ready, I don't know who she is but I want to get to know her, I assume she was the one staring at me, how intriguing.   

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