THREE: Oh Banter

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A/N: I have nothing to say for myself. If you know what happens in this chappy plz tell me bc I have no idea wth this is. This chappy was supposed to be done three months ago.


He didn't seem fazed over the next couple of days. She was, strangely enough, not as broken about it as she thought she'd be. V avoided him, but he clearly didn't mind. She'd run into him as she continued her nightly routine of getting up and going to the kitchen for a snack, and he'd be there every time. So she stopped. She became closed off a lot more than she usually was, and even though Wanda, Vision, and basically everyone except Pietro, they all assured her that they'd find Tony and Peter. No one mentioned Stephen Strange. No one knew he was involved except V herself, and Bruce. She didn't care to dwell on it, either.

And although she would never admit it—not even to herself—she was eyeing that backpack and tried to calculate an exit route too many times over these days. Tony was missing. Her father. And now Pietro was back, and hated her. That only made her angry, not as sad. No, that was the old V. The new V had a family. She had a real dad, HER dad, and she had the Avengers. She missed Steve and Natasha and Wanda and Vision, sure, but she tried not to let that slip as she often seemed to.

So far no one, not even Shield, could find Tony Stark or Peter Parker. Peter's Aunt May had been at the tower and in her nephew's room about as much as V had been in Pietro's.

After Pietro finished off whatever V thought they had, she began to sleep in Tony's old room instead of Pietro's, wearing his old t-shirts. No one said much about it. No one except Natasha.

The big sister V never had. Nat would never admit to it, but she admired the girl. V had called her out on it soon after her return and promised not to say anything.

Here V stood, beside Natasha, in the main meeting room—and former office of Tony Stark—discussing their next moves.

Wanda was retelling what happened in Edinburgh, Pietro and Vision beside her.

Vision suggested they destroy the stone in his forehead, but Wanda refused the idea. V shifted uneasily beside Natasha, who watched.

Steve intervened. "We don't trade lives, Vision." The silence that followed became heavy. "I think I might have an idea, but we have to hurry."

"Is he accepting visitors?" Natasha finally spoke.

"He wouldn't hesitate if I ask." Steve replied. The two shared what seemed to be a telepathic conversation before he looked back at everyone. "Start packing your things, bring hot clothes. We're going to Wakanda."

Sam, Rhodey, Vision, Wanda, and Bruce left. Leaving V with Steve, Natasha, and Pietro. None of them moved for a long time.

V was staring at the floor, but when she looked at Pietro he looked away from her. Natasha rolled her eyes. Steve watched V. Both Natasha and Steve were directing their concern at the two kids, V felt it. It was like being able to feel sound waves, but with greater impact on her because she wore her heart on her sleeve, no matter how much she hated that she did.

Finally Steve spoke, "We'll find them." V knew who he was talking about. She almost forgot Peter had also gone missing, alongside Tony and.. and Strange.

She jerked herself forward slightly, using her weight to push  off of leaning on the wall so she stood upright. "I know we will." She said, but she may as well have just tossed each into the Arctic Ocean. Natasha suddenly felt pity, and V glared at her.

"We're doing everything we can, V." Steve said, his tone sending a chill up her back. Steve had only ever been this upset one other time.

"I know that." She rolled her eyes, her head tilting just slightly. "But you always are, aren't you?" She asked, then continued without waiting for an answer. "That's all you people do. You do all the action stuff. But what about the people affected by it? How many people died in New York eight years ago? One too many. How do you think it was for those countless families? Parents, and their kids?" She was biting back tears now. She fumbled on words as she tried again to speak, but as soon as she tried, the dam broke and her entire being seemed to fold inward, onto herself.

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