Chapter 7

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While Marissa, Demi and Chelle were talking a group of couple girls came to them. One of them had a pic of Demi, Dallas and Maddie on her T-shirt.

Chelle looked at Marissa and then they both lokked at Demi. She was hiding a smile.

"Lovatics." they both said quietly

It's not that they didn't like Lovatics, they did. They were happy that Demi has them but they wanted her for themselves now. Just now.

"Hey." one of the girls said

"Hi." Marissa replied 

" You're Demi Lovato, right?" the girl with Demi's photo on her shirt asked

"I think I am yes." Demi said and laughed

"Can we get a picture please?" they asked

They took a couple of photos and the T-shirt girk asked Demi to sign her T-shirt.

"So, you're Lovatics huh?" Chelle asked

"What? No." one of them said

"One of you has her face on your T- shirt, you sure?"

"I got this T-shirt because I'm in Maddie's fanbase. I don't even listen Demi. I like only Maddie."  said the T-shirt girl

"Oh, okay." Marissa said

"Demi can you please tell Maddie we said hi? Please? She's the best. She's our idol. She's perfect." they said and left

"This is awkward." Marissa said

"Pretty much."

That night Demi couldn't sleep so she was playing Collapse Blast on her iPhone. 

It was about 3 am when she just couldn't even play the game anymore. She took one Teddy Bear from the shelf with gifts from her Lovatics and hugged him tightly. The read rolled down from her left eye and one groan flew out from her mouth. Then another one, and another one. Soon, she was crying. Quietly in the corner of her room.

"Come here Demi." Marissa said

"You're awake?" Demi asked

"I just woke up. Come here."

As Demi came in the bed Marissa hugged her and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry." Marissa said


"Because, I am your best friend and since I came I acted like I'm not. Is it about Joe?"

"He was there today Marissa. I saw him. He was with Ashley again."

"What?! Where? When?"

"While we were eating. He kissed her." Demi said

"He kissed her? 

"There are pics all over the twitter. Ashley Tisdale kissing Joe Jonas" Demi said

"You know that thing about "Jemi" I wanted to tell you?" Demi continued "We had a fight over that movie."

"I had no idea..."Marissa said and hugged her

"I miss him. But you were right. I can't be with him..."

"Sometimes people are just not meant to be honey." 

"I know. He told me that I can't do that movie beacuse he's tired of me kissing other guys. He's tired of me kissing other guys? He had a sex in Rio, I know that!" 

"How do you know?"

"I just know...Can we go to sleep? I can't deal with this anymore." Demi asked

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