Chapter 10

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"Miley please tell me what happened" Demi said in tears

"He got hit by the car" Miley said

"Who? What happened?" Demi said and hugged her

"Nick. He went to see Vanessa. You know how he tells me everything. He went there to break up with her and on his way back while he was walking the car hit him. Some drunk girl was driving and he's in the room now. I almost lost him." Miley said

"Is he okay? How is he? What did the doctors told you? I need him. I can't lose him now. Not him too." Demi said

"I don't know. They just said he's alive. he almost died. That's all I know."

At that moment some nurse walked by them.

"Excuse me ma'am?" Demi said


"Can you tell me in which room is Nick Jonas?" Demi asked

"I don'tknow. I'm sorry. You should ask at the counter" the nurse said and walked away

"Okay. You stay here, I will go and ask." Miley said

As soon she walked in the other hall she took her phone.

"Okay, guys are you ready? Is Nick ready?" she asked

The voiice on the other side of line  said something.

"Okay, we will be there in a minute." Miley said aand hung up

She came back to Demi.

"Room 250 they say. Second floor." Miley said

Demi took her hand and they walked in an elevator.

"Room 245, room 246, room 247, room 248, room 249, room 250, we're here."  Demi said

They knocked on the door, noone replied so they opened them.

"Nick!" Demi shouted 

Nick was sleeping on one bed. The curtain was pulled so they couldn't see the other bed.
Demi sat on the bed and hugged him.

"He's sleeping." Miley said

"He's so cute." Demi said and kissed his cheek

She saw his broken arm, leg, even ribs. He had a bandage around his head and scars oon his face.

She started crying.

The doctor came in.

"How is he?" Demi asked

"WE don't know. There are really small chances he will survive. He's in a coma now and if he don't wake up in 2 months we will have to turn this off. I'm sorry." the doctor said

"Whaaat?!" Demi screamed

Miley was just standing there like nothing happened.

"Demi chill." she said

" No I won't! He's my best friend.. I can't lose him." Demi said

"Demi..."Nick whispered 

"And you won't." the doctor said

"Nick! You're alive." she said and hugged him

"And you're on Punked!" he said

"What?!" Demi said and the cameraman showed up

"I'm gonna kill you, both!" I almost had a heart attack." Demi said

"Let me give your heart a break, yoour heart a break.." Nick started singing

."Demi, do you want to tell us something?" Miley asked and pointed at the camera

Demi took her phone and typed something.

"I'm Demi Lovato and I just got punked by MIley Cyrus Hemsworth and Nick Jonas." she said and pressed the send button on her iPhone

Miley's phone rang.

"Great job Miley. This is not even funny. I'm done." Miley read and looked at Demi

"I have to go and get ready for my tour now, by guy. You were great!" Demi said and run out

She was running the whole way to her  car but Miley is fast too.

"You're really mad at me cause of that?" Miley asked

"Miley, I lost Joe yesterday, do you really think that losing Nick is a joke to me now?" 

"I'm sorry Demi...I really am. I had no idea."

"Now you know...Are you happy now?" 

"NO! Of course I'm not. ou're my best friend." Miley said and hugged her

"I'm going home, I have to pack myself forr the tour." Demi said

"Can I come with you? To your place, not tour." Miley asked

"Sure. But by your car please. I need to calm down now..." Demi said

"Sure" Miley said and walked away

While she was driving she put one of her favorite CDs on. It had every song she loved so much. Bieber, Miley, CeCe, jennel, Dallas, Rascal Flatts, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, One Direection, JoBros..,.

She came to her house, Miley was there, sitting in her car.  When she saw her they walked together to the house.

Maddie opened the door.

"Someone is here, and wanna talk to you."Maddie said to Demi

"AM I punked?" Demi asked

"Uhmmm no?" Maddie asked confused

"Okay. Where?" 

"Your room." Maddie said and disappeared

Demi and Miley went upstairs.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Miley said

"Okay, go." Demi said

She walked to her room. her heart started to beat faster.  Who's on the other side of the door?

She opened the door.

The person was sitting on the chair. Demi was surprised

"What are you doing here?" Demi asked.

"We have to talk...Now..." the person said

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