Chapter 2

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Vera's POV:

When I entered New York City, all the memories came back flooding to my brain with the horrible images. Death. Not some random persons death, it was my own family's death. I remember that night vividly. The scenario would not escape my head. When I went to Italy that weekend of my family's death, I had many nightmares. I would wake up sweating and breathing heavily because the death would keep replaying in my head. Like when I walked into the house again on that stormy night, and when I saw my parents, bodies lying still on the white tile floor. And when I saw those stab wounds, especially on the chest directly above the heart, it kept scaring me. I would wake up and hope that all of it was a dream but when I did, I realised that it was reality and I just had to deal with it. It was all until I met one of the most dangerous and well-known mafia leaders, Ashton Knight. Ashton Knight was the reason I was able to fight my nightmares and become who I am now. I, once known as the innocent and happy girl, has become one of the most feared assassins in the world. 

Once I reached the motel, I found a room and decided to make my plan. It took a couple hours, but I finally finished the plan, and honestly, I think it will work. I decided to sleep due to the fact I am going to have a long, busy and stressful day ahead of me. Tomorrow is the day. The day when I finally get my revenge. My long-awaited two-year revenge

My Revenge (short story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum