Chapter 5

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Vera's POV:

 In one quick move, I cut Levi's neck and watched him fall to the ground. I saw him start to choke and cough on his blood it made me feel accomplished. I took the knife and stabbed Levi in his chest, right where he has stabbed my mum, dad and brother. For most people this would've been gruesome, but for me this was what I had wanted to do for such a long time. I put the knife back in my pocket and started walking back out the alleyway but then I heard a rustling come from behind me. When I turned around I saw nothing except Levi's dead body but then I heard a gunshot. My ears started ringing and I felt a sharp pain go through my back. I started seeing back dots appear on my vision and I felt myself collapsing. Then I felt the concrete floor hit my body and that was when my vision went blank... 

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