Chapter 3

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Vera's POV:

I woke up to the sun gleaming through the curtains and realised that today is the day. Not only is it my family's two-year death anniversary; it is also Levi's death day. I got out of bed and did all the stuff I would do in the morning, and then I decided to start the plan. I first sent a message to Levi,

Me: "meet me at the alleyway at North York Street ~A".

Levi: "wait, who is this?"

Me: "someone you know, now stop asking questions"

Levi: "Why?"

Me: "if you don't come, just know your whole family is in danger and I can kill them in an instant. So, if you keep asking questions, you will no longer be able to see their faces."

Levi: "are you trying to threaten me? As if you even know where I live and where my family are. I'm not going to fall for this nonsense"

Me: **sends picture of his family held hostage**

Me: "now time is running out, if you aren't where I told you to be within the next 25 minutes, say bye, bye to your loving family"

Levi: "ok fine, just don't lay a finger on my family"

Wow, that was actually easy. Levi doesn't even know that he has fallen into my trap, my plan is working. As I was walking in alleyway, with a sharp pocketknife in my back pocket. I finally felt a bit of relief, knowing that my plan was going ahead just like I had hoped it would. I reached the alleyway and checked my watch, I realised that there was only 10 more minutes until Levi would be here.

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