Chapter 4

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Vera's POV:

I heard the screeching of tires and saw him. Levi. He was on his jet-black motorcycle. When Levi got off his motorcycle, he saw me, he looked quite shocked maybe because he realised that one of the most dangerous assassin was standing right in front of him.

"What are you doing here?," Levi said with his eyes wide open,

"what do you think I'm doing here? I'm obviously here to kill you and take revenge for my family's murder that you committed exactly two years ago."

As I kept creeping forward, Levi kept moving backward and then he hit the hard cement wall of a building. We were in the part of the alleyway where no one could see us and where there were no CCTV cameras. When Levi was trapped between my arms, I pulled out my knife from behind me. I held the sharp knife close to his neck, close enough that in one swift move I would easily kill him. But no, I wanted him to have a slow painful death. I wanted him to feel the same mental pain I felt, but for him, it was going to be physical. I slowly inched the knife towards his neck and slowly pierced his neck. I could see the blood dripping down the blade of the knife. As I kept digging it into his neck I felt no remorse whatsoever, instead I felt happiness and joy of finally being able to get my revenge.

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