Arrive To Talon

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~ O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. ~ Psalm 90:14

Ugghhhhhh...! This took over 3-4 hours to write dudes! I'm tired and my phones at 14%



"Sisu? Sisu?" Rayan called in a hushed tone, leaning over the boat in worry as (Y/N) brushed Reva's coat beside him— sometimes looking up to watch the scenery.

"Ah!" Sisu sprouted from the water with a happy sigh, twirling before floating on her back. She looked up to both worried faces of her friends.

"Please, get out of there." Rayan begged as (Y/N) looked at Boun, seeing him dance while getting pots and ingredients before turning back to Sisu.

"That would be nice," (Y/N) whispered in agreement as she patted the Jaguar to go, making Rayan nod and Sisu hum. "Although, I don't think he's gonna do anything..."

"You're not helping, (Y/N)." Rayan nearly whined, the girl rolled her eyes and put a hand to his shoulder to calm him down as Sisu waved them both off.

"I'm a water dragon." Sisu pointed out obviously. "This is water. It's sort of my thing. You wanna come in?"

She spun towards the back of the boat, smiling with mirth when Rayan didn't let up. "Someone could see you!"

"Oh, do you mean Captain Pop and Lock over there?" Sisu scratches her neck with a roll of her eyes. "What, are you scared he's gonna challenge me to a dance battle?"

Rayan gasped as he dragged (Y/N) over to the back of the boat to cover the dragon when Boun looked over, flashing them a smirk as he cooked shrimp and played with the pots.

(Y/N) laughed under her breath at the show, making Rayan look at her for a moment before shaking his head and turning to Sisu. His eyes were pleading. "Sisu, I saw people lose their minds over a Dragon Gem. Can you imagine what they'd do over an actual dragon?"

Sisu and (Y/N) shared a frown as he sighed. "Look, we need you to make this all work. Until we have all the gems, you have to stay human. Please."

"Wow, you really got some trust issues." Sisu muttered, keeping eye contact as (Y/N) bit her lip and subtly winced when Rayan deadpanned.

"Look, my father blindly trusted people, and now, he's stone." Rayan glances to the side at the mention of his father, relaxing when (Y/N) squeezed his shoulder. "not to mention (Y/N)'s parents too..."

"Hey, we'll get your ba and (Y/N)'s family back. I got you, guys. Come on, who's your dragon?" She jumped into the boat and shifted. Backtracking when Rayan gave her a look. "I mean, human. Because I'm gonna be a human until... Yeah, you... You get it."

(Y/N) chuckled softly and gave her a pat to the shoulder, yelping when Boun suddenly showed up and gently pushed her into a seat. She glanced at Rayan to see him glaring at Boun while rubbing the back of his knee, she shook her head in amusement when Boun questioned; "Okay, who's hungry?"

"Oh, I am!" Sisu sat between them, waving her covered arms hungrily.

"Three house specials," Boun poured Shrimp Congee into three bowls, adding greens before picking up three bottles of spice. "How spicy would you like it? Hot, hotter, or BOUN!-goes-the-dynamite?"

Rayan jumped when Boun yelled his name, mood dropping even lower before seeing that (Y/N) and Sisu were about to eat. "Bring on the heat!"

"Yeah, no." He snatched their bowls with a shake of his head, looking in them throughly "No, I don't think so!"

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