Chapter 6: Interlude I part 1

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"Noah, we need to have a conversation." I sighed as he looked up from his lunch. He decided to work only a half shift this morning so he can work a night shift tonight. He called me over when he got home because Stiles wasn't home. I noticed Lydia's car when I got here so the two of them must be out somewhere. 

"What about?" 

"Us. Specifically telling Stiles about us. He deserves to know." 

"I  know, I'm just afraid of his reaction. I don't want him thinking that I don't care about his mother." Noah sighed rubbing a hand over his face. I walked over to him placing my hands on his face.

"Stiles knows how much you loved your wide. She was your first mate. He saw how you loved her. He'd be glad to see you happy. We just might have to explain about second chance mates." 

Noah nodded looking at me. I kissed him as reassurance. 

"You don't have to answer this if you do not want to. But when Scott asked about the emotional pain/trauma the Nogitsune fed off of. What was the other thing?" Lydia asked. I mean I've bared my soul and got it thrown in my face by a boy I thought was my best friend, my brother. However, Lydia seems to understand. She knows when I have to get stuff off my chest. She understands. She's my true best friend. Stuck y me, didn't push me away after the Nogitsune thing. Taking a deep breath I decided to answer her question. 

"My mother's death and my dad's initial reaction. His abandonment of responsibilities."

She gasped, "Stiles, I'm so sorry. I knew the Nogitsune possessing you was awful. I only thought it's experience and trapping you in your own mind was the worst of it. I never thought it was that bad."

"It's alright Lydia. Everyone was keeping me at arms length, and besides no one ever asked." I shrugged. 


We ended up driving the rest of the way back to my place in silence. Lost in our own thoughts. Something I tend to be doing a lot lately. As I pulled up to my house, I noticed Mr. Argent's car in the driveway and my dad's cruiser.

"What's Chris doing here?" 

"I don't know, but my dad is home too." 

We got out of the car looking at each other. I was trying to beg her to come in with me with my eyes. She just chuckled and patted my back with a, 

"Good luck," before she got into her car and left. Haven't I done enough soul-bearing today? I've already had one confrontation with individuals in my life about the Nogitsune incident and that didn't go well. I don't think I can handle another one so soon after, let alone right after the failed one. My anxiety is sky high all I want is for someone to realize I'm suffering too. That I've been suffering in silence since my mother died. I mean my dad gave up on me. I was 10 years old. 10! I had to grow up fast. I felt like I had to prove myself to my dad. To push myself to make my dad proud. To make him notice me. Now I'm 20 and he only notices me when it's something bad. Sees me as a nuisance. Sucking it up and hoping that I can enter the house and make it to my room unnoticed. I just barely opened the door and froze. Chris is kissing my dad. My dad and Chris are kissing. They're kissing in the kitchen. 


I quickly put my hands over my mouth. I didn't mean to speak. They were too preoccupied with each other and wouldn't have noticed if I went up to my room. But of course, my brain-to-mouth filter chose this moment to not work. They both startled apart and stared at me. I couldn't read the look on their faces. But I could feel my emotional day catching up with me and my eyes beginning to water with another bout of word vomit was about to escape. 


Noah and I backed up from each other fast. Stiles is home. Whoops. Noah gave me a quick sheepish look before we turned to Stiles. He looked absolutely petrified. I could tell he was hyperventilating. His eyes were watering. I've never seen him like this. He looks almost lost. 

"Stiles...." I barely got out before he burst.

"I'm sorry that when He was here and possessed me. I almost killed Allison. And I know you probably want to kill me or not see me anymore. And I know you probably won't trust me ever again. And.... And......"

"Stiles, breathe." I said slowly walking over to him. 

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