Chapter 24: The Past Repeating

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Stiles wants to talk about something. He's jittery and anxiously pacing in my room now. He showed up at the pack house with no warning. Derek opened the door and Stiles walked passed him to me and yanked me to my room. 


He's so lost in his own thoughts. Bitting his nails and if there's no nail it's the skin around it. 


Still nothing. Sighing I stood up and got into his path. He unconsciously ran right into me. Shocked him enough to look up at me blinking slowly. Probably clearing the fog from his brain. 

"Peter?" He had no idea he drove here. 



"I don't know, sweetheart. You're the one who showed up without warning and drug me to my room. While I'm fond of the idea of expanding and deepening our relationship, something tells me that's not why you came here." 

His face scrunched up in confusion.

"I don't remember any of that."

"Okay. What were you doing before?" 


"On what or who?"

"Wolfsbane and drugs." 

"Looking to control a werewolf or something?" 

"No, because of Allison." 

"What do you mean?" 

"She's manipulating Scott and I think she's doing it by cutting wolfsbane with LSD. But it could be some other concoction that I don't know about." 

With all the time, words, and effort put into trying to convince everyone that Allison isn't like Kate or the Argents in general (minus Chris. I mean as of now we just see him as a Stilinski), she proved that you can't change who you are.

"Well, are you sure?" 

"Sure of what? She's manipulating him 100%. I should've seen the signs. I know what it's like to have someone else's words and thoughts forcefully leave your mouth." 

"Stiles don't do that. You couldn't have known, especially when dealing with your own thoughts, feelings, and problems." 

"Stop, we're getting off topic." 


"Stop, please."

"Fine." but we will talk about it eventually. 

"Okay, are you sure Scott and Allison are mates?" 

"I'm not sure. They've said they are and all I've seen could've been Allison forcing Scott." 

"So she's like Kate." 

"Well, they are related and Chris mentioned that Gerard and Kate manipulated Allison when she was younger."

"No, I mean she's exactly like Kate." 

That caused him to pause and take a seat. 



Derek had been grieving the loss of his girlfriend, Paige. He wanted originally to wait for his mate, but Laura picked on him about it. Told him he'd end up like me. Destined to be alone. Even though Derek didn't believe that Laura has a way of getting in people's heads and under their skin. She's annoying like that. So Derek dated Paige for a while before her mate Ennis arrived. Being the primitive/ power hunger/ giant ego Alpha werewolf he was, having a human mate wasn't an option. So consequences be damned he cornered her in the school and bit her. 


"But you said she died. Did he just leave her there without care about his mate?!"

"Hey, breathe Stiles. Ennis is self-absorbed. I'm sure you were aware when he came with Duecalian in the past." 

His care about Ennis' treatment of Paige, and the anger that accompanies it. This has to do with his view on soulmates. Part of his reasoning for not messaging/wanting me when he turned 16. We'll circle back to this topic later. 

"May I get back to explaining now?"

He just nodded. 

~Flashback continued~

Well, Derek found Paige and took her to the root cellar of the Nematon. Where unfortunately she asked him to kill her and his eyes turned blue because of it. After what seemed like less than a week Derek perked up. Started sneaking out. More so than he did with Paige and he never mentioned Kate by name to any of us. this went on for a year and a half. Derek started acting snippy and aggressive. Worse than Laura. 

(Stiles' face said he didn't believe me)

It got to the point that the ideologies and comments coming out of his mouth weren't his own. They were similar to what Talia heard Gerard say in the past about werewolves. Worried she took him to Deaton. 

~ end of Flashback~

"I wasn't allowed to be at that meeting. What I do know is that when Derek and Talia came back. Talia had a vial of some foul-smelling substances and Derek smelled terrified. I tried asking but I was told not to pry until everything was finished. Then on Derek's 16 birthday he found out about Jordan and dumped Kate. In her mind, she failed and the only way to right her wrong was murder. She showed up at our house and when Derek opened the door she had a shotgun leveled with his face." 

"God that sounds awful. At least Kate's in the Supernatural ward of Eichen House." 

I hummed in agreement. We sat in silence for a while longer. Letting Stiles soak in the information.

"I can hear the gears in your brain turning. What's your idea?" 

"We should tell Derek about Scott and see if he has any insight. Any idea how we can help Scott." 

"We can try. I will not force him to talk about it if he wishes not to." 

"Obviously," Stiles stated like I was dumb for speaking my terms. 


Peter and Stiles have been in Peter's room for a while. Talking I'm assuming because Stiles came here in a daze. He got an idea and had to tell Peter about it. What the idea was, who knows. It's Stiles! Then it was like I blinked and suddenly Stiles is in front of me with Peter standing back a bit. 


"Can we talk?" 

"What about Stiles?"

"Scott and the Argents." 

I tensed. It's just a reaction at this point. Voice and lips tight I responded, 


Stiles seemed to catch my weariness. 

"We don't have to if you don't want to, but seems like Allison's doing to Scott what Kate did to you." 

"Aren't they mates though?" 

"Maybe. Scott never mentioned anything to me about writing to his mate, but I can ask." 

"Then do that." I'd rather not talk about Kate or that situation ever again. No need to bring up events that I'm still working on getting past. 

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