What The Gladers Think Of Your Relationship

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Thomas: "I want their relationship so bad..they're the cutest together."
Minho: "They look like two slintheads out if a cheesy love story. It's gross, but I'm happy for them. I mean I've never seen Newt so happy before so it's kinda cute."
Gally: "I'm not a big fan of romance klunk, but they make each other happy and it's cute..except when they're sucking each others faces and we're trying to eat!"
Alby: "She's good for him, that slinthead deserves someone like her. They bring out the best in each other."
Newt: "They're really cute together, but they get annoying at times. Always breaking the rules and klunk."
Minho: "They never quit sucking each others faces, it's gross like get a shucking room or something nobody wants to see that stuff ew."
Gally: "I never knew such a dirty slinthead could get someone like that. Wow."
Alby: "They're good for each other, usually she keeps him out of trouble or they're making trouble."
Newt: "They never quit with the sassy comments. Bloody sass queens. Yes, I said queens."
Thomas: "I called it! They're sassy partners in crime. Definitely perfect for each other."
Gally: "I can't believe that shuckface has someone as beautiful as her, I don't know how I feel."
Alby: "Can't even handle the sass anymore.."
Newt: "I've never seen Gally smile before, I guess she brings out the good in him, good for him."
Thomas: "I have no idea how he got someone as amazing as her, I mean, she's sweet and he's a slinthead, I'm confused."
Minho: "Those slintheads never keep their eyes off each other. It's gross, and I'm not jealous, I'm puking."
Alby: "I don't even know how I feel about this."

I feel like this is really long..sorry ?
I hope you liked it. & I hope it's not confusing 😂

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