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okay. lemme start by saying that I LOVE AKITA. PRECIOUS. PERFECT. anyway. I must say, it's not one of the worst, but it's definitely not that good. look. there are a few things, like... um... physically lloyd is only a year ish older? or um... Akita knows all about Harumi and that Lloyd is completely insane enough to vent to a wolf. yeah. yeah, perfect ship. okay i'll be serious jeez sorry.

i will say that i may be biased bc i was crying the whole time because of the FUCKING ANIME IM GOING TO KILL WHOEVER DID THAT. k anyway, lloyd would just ignore Akita and then turn around and just complain to her ab everything. oof. and Akita is too cool to take that from a literal mop looking bitch so. i said it. fight me, idc.

okay if you have any others request them and i'll get to them soon bai!❣️

ship from LexaLikesNinjago

Bad/Wrong Ninjago ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora