wu x garmadad

91 1 3

please help me

the same as Nya x Kai. The same concept but worse.

Why? bc EVERYTHING IS WU'S FAULT. why did Garmadon get bit? Wu. Why did the Overlord come back? Garmadon therefore Wu. Why did the Ninja almost die is S4? Garmadad therefore Wu. Why was Morro(may he rest in peace and never return to the series) evil? Wu. Why did Nadakhan seek revenge? The collapse of his realm therefore the destruction of the Preeminent therefore Nya/Morro therefore Wu. Why did Krux and Acronix get so powerful? BECAUSE WU NEVER TELLS ANYONE ANYTHING. EVER.

okay also they are brothers please don't ship this i'm on the verge of tears rn.

requested by @DroopyDragon

k have a great rest of your day/night bai💚

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