Chapter Ten

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At the conclusion of dinner, Isabela helped her family clean up and wash up before she retreated to her room, only to be intercepted by her mother calling for her company. Julieta greeted her eldest daughter as they stood aimlessly in the kitchen, nibbling on some leftovers. While everybody else headed off to their rooms, not even a mouse stirred when they initiated a conversation.

"How are you feeling, pequeño (little one)?" Julieta asked in a voice so softly spoken.

Isabela couldn't bring herself to look at her mother as she was too conflicted with her present course. She loved Javier with all her heart, but as typical fear that overwhelmed her was self-doubt and anxiety - originally brought up in the case of pleasing her Abuela but now it was simply to please her fiancé.

"How did you feel when papá proposed to you?" Isabela asked in a fit of nerves.

Being so hyper made Isabela pace back and forth as her mother did her best to comfort her.

"Take deep breaths, mi pequeña flor (my little flower). Everything will be fine. When I was about your age, I was so scared. My niña was there for me in my time of need. And now.... it's my turn to be there for you. Be there for one another mi amor (my love) and be the best you can be - miracle or not. I believe in you, Isa." Julieta said calmly as she prevented her daughter's pacing by grabbing her by her arms.

"Thank you, mami."

With one last glance, Isabela made her way to her room to sleep for the night. Meanwhile, in another part of town, Javier had chosen to spend time with his brothers at a place they had built of their own beforehand the Madrigal's home. The four brothers celebrated raucously their brother for his engagement in which their neighbours had the most difficult time trying to sleep on account of their liveliness and energetic behaviour.

Javier was lifted up off the ground with the arms of his brothers and bounced him up and down as the growing concern that their drunkenness would result in them all collapsing. After spending hours together, the four brothers eventually settled into the lounge room and slouched where they laid until everybody but Javier dozed off. 

A mass celebration circulated Encanto when word got around that Isabela Madrigal was due to be wed. There were quite a few residents of the dazzling town who were unfortunate to wake up on the wrong side of the bed due to a few drunkards causing a belligerent racket. That morning when the Madrigal family left the premises of their home, the townsfolk were enlivened with their company. 

Isabela convened in the town square at a bench with a few girls whose hair she was given the opportunity to decorate with flowers and different colours. From across the square, somebody spied the black-haired woman in a violet dress decorated with new colours. The captivating black-haired woman remained oblivious to her being watched. Isabela didn't catch on until she noticed somebody make her company by the strange presence she felt beside her. 

"Hola hermosa (hello beautiful)." A male voice spoke deeply, lustfully. 

Isabela jumped in shock and slapped her chest as she let out a nervous exhale. 

"You scared me, mi amor (my love)." Isabela stated breathlessly. 

"My apologies, el novio más querido (fiance dearest). Have I told you how much I love you?" 

"Yes, darling. Many times." 

"Well, allow me to say it again. Isabella Julieta Madrigal... I love you." 

Each profession of his love made her heart flutter all the more as he took up a spot beside Isabela and gave a sloppy kiss on her cheek just as she finished decorating another little girl's hair with flowers just the same as what she'd done for herself thanks to Javier achieving the top spot for her happiness. When she noticed him staring at her hair, she looked at him curiously and dropped her smile. 

"What's on your mind, cariño (sweetheart)?" Isabela asked gently. 

"M-May I... braid your hair?" Javier asked shyly. 

Her smile instantly returned to her face, to which she entrusted him not to mess up her perfectly tended hair and tilted her body so that she now had her back to him. As he braided her hair, Javier's brothers watched him from afar, sharing their teases and their adoration of the sight. The new hairstyle Javier gave his fiancé revived a faded memory, the recollection of having to live from the moment she was born as the perfect child was not something she was fond of. 

Something distracted Javier. His attention was brought onto the nearby voices of some women talking about he and Isabela in a manner so unkindly. While she couldn't detect their conversation as she was too entranced with feeling Javier's fingers comb through her hair, he however, could only just hear the whole conversation, even with the belligerent noises of those around them in the square; workers and socialites alike.

"... podría hacerlo mucho mejor que él. Quiero decir, ¡míralo! Tan flaca y peluda. Si quisiera un hombre, buscaría a alguien como Mariano. Pero él? He oído que es tan viejo como Abuela Alma-y ella es vieja (...could do so much better than him. I mean, look at him! So skinny and hairy. If I wanted a man, I would look for somebody like Mariano. But him? I hear he is as old as Abuela Alma - and she's old)!" One woman gossiped amongst her peers.

"Lo sé, ¿verdad?! No se lo que ella ve en él. Es así... antinatural. Tan incómodo (I know, right?! I don't know what she sees in him. He's so... unnatural. So awkward)." Another agreed. 

"Si yo fuera él, me avergonzaría de cómo me visto. ¡Parece un vagabundo (If I were him I would be ashamed for how I dress. He looks like a hobo)!" 

Javier's jaw clenched in irritation of their reviling him. For not much longer could he staid the ridicule before his insecurities got to him. Isabela was surprised when Javier took her hand and forced her up to her feet and dragged her off to her casa. Upon arrival to her room, Isabela found herself drawn to her fiancé like a moth to the flame. She looked at him with concern in her eyes as he stared into hers with anxiety. 

"What's wrong, my love?" Isabela cooed. 

Biting his bottom lip, Javier threw himself at her and pressed his lips against hers. Shocked, Isabela drove back into the kiss and passionately made out with him in such hot lust. Javier pushed themselves over so that Isabela was lying on her back and he was on top of her while their lips were still sloppily connected before they pulled away to grasp for air. 

"Te amaré y te abrazaré para siempre (I will love you and hold you forever)." Javier vowed. 

Isabela smiled tenderly at him where they shared such an intimate moment with each other. 

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