Chapter Eleven

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Not a week later and wedding preparations were underway. During that time, Javier Osorio had been given ample time in order to prepare for his wedding day by practicing his vows and rehearsing a speech for the post-wedding party. Isabela, on the other hand, was consumed with having her appearance by her female relatives, who all were given equal chances to share their views on how she was to appear for her husband-to-be, her family and the whole town.

The excitement that swept through everyone refused to settle as by each passing day, Javier's and Isabela's wedding drew nearer. The night before the wedding, two separate parties were held for the bride and groom: the male side of the Madrigal's celebrated with Javier whilst the women stuck with Isabela and held their own little celebration inside her room.

Due to a sudden wave of nerves, Javier found it difficult to relax around the family members of whose daughter, niece and cousin he was to marry. Even after getting along with Isabela's family, Javier still made it unbearable in his mind that they would not approve of him fully. But as the drinks went down his throat, the stronger his social battery grew, to the point that his socialising became far too strong for him to control.

When the moon was high in the night, starry sky, Javier had reached peak drunk as had his brothers, which as a result caused a mass trace of celebration and mayhem in their stead. While the in-laws were all asleep from the lack of energy or from alcohol, Javier's drunken consciousness took full control. It was quite a wild few hours of Javier doing only God knew what until morning came. 

From drinking excessively last night, the three Osorio brothers awoke to indescribable pain that pulsed behind their eyes and all around their head; the sheer unbalance and dizziness as well as the relentless regurgitating urge. The three brothers awoke in rather bizarre place when they felt the hangover wake them up. Morning sickness didn't bode well for them as the pulsating agony would linger for quite some time as they slowly comprehended what was going on. 

When the boys finally came back to their senses, the Osorio triplets, Sergio, Alejandro and Esteban realised that their brother was absent from sight and sound. Panic set in, instilling fear in the brothers who failed to look after their little brother, followed by guilt for their failing to look after him on the day of his wedding. They knew that should Isabela discover her fiancé's absence from the party there would be a calamity to answer to. 

"¡Deprisa, deprisa (hurry, hurry)! If Javi doesn't turn up for his wedding Isabela will feed us to her plants!" Esteban ordered with panic set in his voice. 

In haste, the brothers expanded their search throughout the entire town of Encanto - quite literally every nook and cranny. People noticed what they were doing but they couldn't put their finger on what it was they were looking for. There was, however, somebody else who took notice of what the brothers were up to. As the brother scrambled to find any trace of their brother, along came the one person who had the potentiality of helping them find Javier. 

"Are you sure you checked everything?!" Sergio asked frantically as he feared the safety of his brother while the others were less enthusiastic to find him, such as Alejandro who was the most optimistic of the four brothers. 

"We searched everywhere, idiota. You were with us the whole time!" Alejandro scolded. 

"Maybe we should double-check everything - we might have missed something." 

"Missed what?" Another voice rang out, startling the triplets. 

The three brothers all gawked at the young woman staring at them with beady eyes - such piercing eyes that showed she was one to not miss anything that went around town. Dolores watched the three boys intently as they all postured themselves all soldier-like. 

"N-Nothin'. Nothing at all, Señorita." Esteban responded nervously, faking a smile as he did so. 

"Then where's Javier?" Dolores questioned. The brunette's forehead creased, forming a sceptical expression as she approached them to get a better look at their faces. 

In an instant, Sergio faltered and broke character. He cried hysterically as he poured out everything that the brothers did prior to their celebrating Javier's bachelor party. It came to their surprise that she was willing to help them in their search; but as much as she attempted to use her super hearing to pinpoint where her future cousin-in-law would be, she knew they needed all the help they could get - without Isabela finding out. 

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