Wing and Meruem pt.3

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So uh 🧍🏻‍♀️I'm spending this whole week online——and I've been blessed with finals. Guess who's gonna pass just because it's online and not in person.

Break up


Your mind constantly went blank whenever you went out on dates with Wing. It wasn't you, it was you.

You didn't know it was happening at first and thought it was one of those days. It pained you to know it was happening all over again.

Wing noticed something wrong but didn't speak on it.

You took in a deep breath as you managed to climb your way to the top of the wall. The doors to your dojo opened and in came Wing.

He noticed you and waved. Before you could wave back you lost your footing and fell off the wall. "Fuck!" You accidentally activated your ability so the fall didn't hurt as badly.

You don't know how long you stayed there but it did feel like forever. 'It hurts.' Your ability eventually wore up as you were drained of energy.

"Y/n!?" Wing came over-worried. He could hear your light snores as he bent down to check on you. Wing let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through your changed grey hair.

'What's been up with you lately Y/n?' He picked you up and took you in the back. He laid you down on the couch you keep in your office and sat down on the chair.

An hour went by before you woke up. The first thing you saw was Wing sitting in the chair reading. "Finally up love?"

You rolled your eyes as you stood up and stretched. "What's been up with you lately? You've been distant Y/n."

Your eyes darted to him before looking at something else in the room. Your head started to spin so you sat back down. Wing came over and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"I don't know——it's me." You took in a deep breath before turning towards Wing. "I need to work on myself Wing." You mumbled.

"I know Y/n." He kissed your forehead before pulling you in for a hug. "I only wish to be here beside you as you do," Wing whispered.

"I know——but you can't." You both squeezed each other since neither of you wanted to pull away.

"It's not forever Wing." He nodded his head before pulling away. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"One final kiss?" You nodded and he leaned in.

Your lips connected for a short period before he pulled away. "I love you Y/n." With that Wing left the room leaving you by yourself.

"I love you too wing." With that you let the tears fall as you brought your knees closer to your chest.


Shaiapouf. That's it.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, Y/N!?" Shaiapouf yelled as the two of you were out. It's nothing new. He always yells at you about being involved with the king.

"It's none of your business Shaia." You snapped as you glared at him. He gritted his teeth and before you knew it, you were falling out of the sky.

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