Chapter 4: The White Stag

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Author's Note: I encourage you all to look into the background of the various myths and symbols referenced in this story, whenever they come up. Nothing is mentioned without purpose!

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Chapter 4: The White Stag

It did not take long before the princess and the ice harvester fell into squabbling again, prompted by her unceasing inquiries, as the reindeer led their riders at a steady clip up the well-trodden path into the mountains.

"What about your family? Are they ice harvesters, too?"

Kristoff frowned, glancing behind him before turning his gaze back to the road. He wore the same, distracted look Hans had noticed earlier.

"No," he said, his curt tone indicating that he did not wish to speak further on the matter.

Anna, undeterred, continued: "So what do they do?"

Hans caught the edge of the man's mouth turning down further.

"It's not important," Kristoff muttered.

She frowned. "I'm just asking."

He sighed. "It's just—different," he said, reddening. "They make things. With their hands."

Anna blinked, nonplussed. "Like...?"

His blush deepened. "I don't know—jewelry, houses, sculptures," he said, waving a hand in the air in exasperation. "All kinds of things."

Her brow lifted. "Oh! So they're craftsmen. Neat!" She glanced at his clothes and gear. "Do you have anything that they've made on you?"

Kristoff stared at her for a moment, surprised, and then fished a pendant out of his pocket and tossed it at her. The princess caught it with a deft hand, examining the object, and leaned over to Hans so that he could get a look.

It was a smooth, oval-shaped grey stone, with a hole at the top through which was threaded a string of brown beads, and upon it carved three distinct runes in a script he did not have enough time to decipher.


"It's a little plain," she remarked, turning it over in her free hand, "but I like it." She looked up at Kristoff again with a kinder smile. "Is it supposed to be a necklace?"

"Yes," he replied in brief again, annoyed.

She squinted at the runes. "What does it say?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

She frowned, prepared to reply, but a small headshake from Hans was enough for her to drop the subject. She reddened and quickly handed it back to Kristoff, changing topics.

"So... siblings?"

"What about them?" Kristoff retorted, not looking at her.

Anna rolled her eyes. "Do you have any?"

He paused. "A twin sister," he replied finally, "though we don't really look alike."

"Fraternal twins," Hans noted. "I have several pairs of those in my family, too."

Kristoff glanced over his shoulder, his curiosity piqued. "Several pairs?"

"He has twelve older brothers, if you can believe it," Anna interjected, grinning. At Kristoff's blinking features, she added: "I know. I thought he was fibbing until he showed me the portrait of all of them together." She smirked lightly at Hans. "Quite a motley crew."

Hans's smile flickered. "Indeed."

"Twelve, huh," Kristoff said. "Must be annoying."

Anna's brow furrowed as Hans chuckled. "Yes, they can be."

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