II - Enter: Gairedo (Part 1)

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A tall alien-looking man would knock two Saiyans away, the two of them barely able to block as one of them shook in pain; how could they defeat this monster? It seemed just impossible.


Azuki shouted, gritting his teeth in annoyance. He was at his limit, which was Super Saiyan Blue combined with the powers of Potential Unleashed; the other Saiyan, Jared, was also at his limit. The two would breathe heavily, the Saiyans would charge up their energy, their auras blazing around them.


Jared would nod in response, the two running next to each other and then becoming blue streaks of light; the two charged at their enemy, attacking them at the same time but the opponent simply let himself be hit. Jared and Azuki would hit him from both sides each, hitting him thousands upon thousands of times in an instant, and yet he was still unaffected. The enemy was knocked back by a double kick from the front, but he would catch his balance.

"Really? This is it? Consider me disappointed. I don't know what kind of species you are, but once I'm done with you, let's hope you're the last of it."

The enemy smirked, not wanting to exactly risk anything or anyone interfering with universal domination. After all, he nearly did it millions of years ago, why not try it once more? All of sudden, he would appear in front of them and punched Azuki in the gut, making him cough up blood and sending him far away. Jared would barely dodge a punch from the being, but would throw a kick towards his head; this would barely make him budge.


Jared spoke, stuttering with a drop of sweat dripping down his forehead as he was then hit by a knee and then knocked into the air; the being would appear above and then knock him down towards Azuki, who was still laying down on the ground.

"Remember this name in the afterlife. My name is Kor, destroyer of all. I am the one who nearly killed off this universe a long time ago, but the Kais sadly were able to put a stop to me by using a technique. Unfortunate, really."

Kor would put his hand up into the air and created a massive energy ball of dark energy, throwing it down towards the pair of Saiyans; Azuki would grit his teeth, barely able to get up as he would soon pull out some certain earrings and stared at the barely conscious Jared.

"H-Hey, I don't want to do this either, but it's the best way, okay?"

Jared would nod, shaking his head and then getting up; the Saiyan would put the earring on his right ear whilst Azuki had his on his left. The two would circle around each other before becoming one, and in an instant, a blinding flash of light was formed; Kor would widen his eyes. His ball of energy would be completely destroyed, with an aura bursting from the ground below. A new being had appeared, wearing a blue training suit similar to Vegeta's with black gi pants as well as a blue belt accompanying it.

The being also wore white Saiyan-like gloves, as well as a brown jacket; he also wore white boots, similar to those that the Kais wear.

"Jared...and Azuki, or known as Gai...It feels so good to be back!"

The figure was covered with energy, standing there before unleashing more of it's power; the energy blanket would shatter, a new figure stood with dark brown hair, putting his arm forwards and flexing a bit. He would then smirk, staring towards Kor and concentrating on him.

"Sorry, but I've got to make this quick. And to copy what you said...Remember my name for the entirety of your life in the afterlife! My name is Gairedo, and this..."

Gairedo would float up into the air, charging up his energy with his muscles bulking up a bit; veins would pop out of his forehead and then his arms, a red glow would appear around the fusion as well as a new godly energy and aura.


He would then power up into Super Saiyan God, his body becoming slightly slimmer with the veins now disappearing. Gairedo would glare at Kor, the alien just staring in fear as the fusion charged at him with unimaginable speed; he would grab his face and shove him through a mountain in an instant. Gairedo would then kick him across the face, sending him far away and then appearing above and punching him downwards.

"Come on, let's do it then!"

Gairedo shouted, Kor would lay in a crater on the ground, staying silent for a bit; he would get up and cracked his neck and then stared upwards, shooting up into the air and in front of Gairedo. The two stared at each other, with the fusion smirking at his own enemy; he would then frown, the two throwing a punch at each other's faces in an instant.

It seemed they were evenly matched at the moment, but who knows. Kor may not be showing off his full power yet. Who will win? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z (or smth idk).

P.S: this is only the first part as I want to concentrate on something else for a bit. I think you'll like it.

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