III - To be the Strongest

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All around her, fights were occurring; an invasion even, but she just stood with her fists clenched with her hair in a pony tail. She was completely tired, but she wouldn't let that deter her; she must win. She would hold Riyu Jingu in her right hand, staring at the ground with a somewhat blank expression.

"All of this war...It's meaningless. We shouldn't act like animals, and yet we do..."

She spoke to herself, gritting her teeth and then sighing softly; she had to calm herself. It wouldn't be great if she lashed out towards her enemy, it could get her killed. All of this training to keep herself composed would then be for nothing, so she shouldn't waste it; the female would soon stare upwards towards her enemy, who just laid in the air, pretending to be asleep.

"Wake up, Nenshō. this fight isn't even over yet. Not even close."

The enemy, now being identified as Nenshō would open a singular eye with a bored expression, what could Karēko do? She's tried everything that she could try, so what's the point anymore? She should just give up.

"You should seriously give up, hun. You can't beat me, seriously! My power is greater than yours will ever be!"

Nenshō would stop floating and stood proud, he was incredibly cocky, which is something that Karēko could use against him; she would then spin her staff, with it then disappearing in thin air. Nenshō would widen his eyes, seemingly confused on why she was putting her staff away. He would stare at her, crossing his arms as Karēko would begin walking towards Nenshō whilst putting her hands behind her head.

"To be the strongest..."

She would untie her hai, letting it flow through the winds whilst it changed to a colour of black; it would also spike up, but it was quite calm. Her whole demeanour was calm, and yet, it felt...enraged.

"I must let go."

She spoke, staring up at Nenshō whilst now being near him; he would stay quiet for a second as all of a sudden, he would feel a sharp pain in the side of his body. How? Karēko couldn't hit him before! His body was scorching hot, so there was no way!

"Ugh...Your body is scorching..."

Karēko spoke, her knuckle being quite burnt; he would notice this as he would laugh, but Karēko didn't stop. She would throw a kick towards his hip and then his head in an instant, sending him away; she was now majorly overpowering him.

"G-GAH! I-It hurts..."

Nenshō spoke whilst holding his hip, but as he caught his balance, Karēko would appear in front of him and punch him across the face, completely breaking his nose and then slamming her fists against his ears as to mess up his hearing.

"I'm not strong enough? Well, guess who's beating your ass right now."

She spoke, throwing a kick towards the left and right side of his head and then shoving her foot into his stomach in an instant and then turning away.

"Triple Kick."

The kicks would then take affect, completely destroying his ribs as well as fracturing his skull. It hurt so much...Karēko would glance back before beginning to walk away. Nenshō would be knocked away a bit, but he would come charging towards Karēko.


She spoke, disappearing in an instant; the human would appear above Nenshō, grabbing his arm and snapping it in an instant whilst holding a Ki ball in her hand.


She spoke, shoving it into his back. Nenshō would gasp for air, a hole now being visible through his chest; blood would spew out of it with Karēko moving away and walking it off.

"In memory of everyone who has died so far...I will fight for them."

She spoke, glaring towards a planet just above them; the battle world. This was where everything had started, an entire planet dedicated to the person who had managed to make all timelines merge all at once without them even knowing it. She could sense Artic's presence somewhat, but not well as she was using God Ki; Karēko would smile, closing her eyes. It made her happy that at least Artic was doing something to save them all.

"I should get started on beating everyone here..."

She spoke, staring around and getting into a fight stance; it was her time to break her own limits this time. It was time to end this once and for all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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