Human Donnie x reader

686 24 15

Requested by @mymiiiind

Title: et tu, brute?

Notes: im not gonna go in and explain how he's human or anything- that's not me. id rather just write the oneshot and let y'all enjoy. pls read the note at the end of the oneshot!

I walked into what I thought was my classroom and glanced at the name that was helpfully written on the board from where I had walked in through a door that was at the back of the room- O'Neil. Oh, good. I was in the right room. Looking around, I noticed there were a couple of tables that all had two chairs. Well, looks like my backpack was gonna be my chairmate then.

As I walked over to a seat on the left side of the room, still near the front so I could see the front of the room, I didn't notice someone else was also making their way towards the same desk- from the door that was at the front of the room.

I guess neither one of us was paying attention because we both grabbed different chairs at the same table. We were luckily the only ones in the room, so no one witnessed our awkward mishap, but nonetheless, I was still embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said instinctively, pulling my hand back as the person did the same. It was a taller male with light auburn hair and- "Woah, your eyes." I whispered as I stared at the burgundy eyes that were nervously evading my own gaze.

"O-oh, do they scare you? I-I'm sorry, I'll lea-" I then made a sound of surprise and acknowledgement that wow- I was in public and staring into a random person's eyes. Oh my gosh, I was so weird.

"N-no! I'm the one that should be sorry. I didn't mean that in a bad way- your eyes. I mean, your eyes are burgundy and I've never seen that before. That- that doesn't make it a bad thing! Ugh, your eyes are beautiful. I-I mean-" The person laughed and gave me a small smile.

"Thank you. I've never had anyone call my eyes beautiful before. I hate my eyes- they scare my brothers sometimes." He looked at me sadly and pursed his lips to the side, revealing a dimple. Cute.

"Well, I think they're very pretty." I smiled up at him and he gave a nervous grin back, his face blushing a light red.

"Well, do you wanna share a seat? I'd like to have a friend in at least one of my classes." I teased as I pulled the chair out and sat down gesturing him down to the other. After a brief moment, he dropped down into the chair and adjusted his dark green sweatshirt from the college, and looked over at me as he played with his hands on the desktop.

"I'm actually not enrolled here- I just know the professor and asked if I could sit in." He explained, reaching up to mess with his curls as he stared at the name on the board.

"Oh," I felt my heard drop, "how do you know him?" I muttered, suddenly feeling very awkward as more people walked into the room through the front door and locked eyes on the lankily attractive person beside me.

"I- uh. I'm friends with his daughter." Was all he said as he began messing around with the messenger bag he had on him- pulling it onto his lap as he opened it and took out a notebook and a black pen.

"Oh, cool. Does she go here? Maybe she'll be my friend." I smiled at him and he briefly sent me a half-smile before he dropped it, looking around to look at the few people that had entered the room. I shortly distracted myself by pulling out my notebook, pencil, and the required book that I had bought earlier that day.

"Uh, maybe. She has a weird schedule- does like two classes at seven in the morning and the next day does two at nine at night. If you can catch her, she's really friendly." I nodded and rubbed my lips together as I turned to the front of the room, not wanting to get my phone out. I was enjoying talking to this guy and suddenly didn't want the class to start- or end.

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