Training Arc: The Snow Leopard Sharpens His Claws

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(A/N: Minor spoilers about the Wind Hashira in this chapter. I'll give a warning beforehand.)

Yōchina had begun his training which would span well over a year and a half. He would train day and night every day in pursuit of becoming a Demon Slayer. His training routine was hard but consistent.

Training Montage!

-Mountain Descension-

Yōchina would start the day climbing back up the snowy mountain and climbing back down. Yōchina started to remember the way back, so to make it hard Amakuni started placing traps and requesting specific animals to be brought back. First, it was easy such as certain plants, eggs, or specific leaves, but then it got harder when he started requesting deers, wolves, and even beers. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if he didn't start to request more than one... and alive.

"Outo-san!! Help me!!" Yōchina shouted as he was chased by a wolf.

"It's sensei when were training, and if you can't even beat a wolf. How will you beat a demon?" Amakuni asked watching as his son climbed up a tree as the wolf started to lean on it barking at the boy.

"At least pass me a sword or something!" Yōchina shouted from the tree.

"Get it yourself..." Amakuni waved off his concern while taking a puff on an opium pipe.

-Sword Training-

Yōchina would swing a sword until it felt like his arms were going to lock up and fail. Amakuni would claim that he would tell Yōchina to stop when he felt like it, but it was mostly based on his mood. One time Yōchina had to swing his sword 2,000 times because he had burnt dinner the night before, he never burned a meal after that. And if Yōchina lost count he'd have to start all over.

"765! 766! 768!" Yōchina counted.

"You miscounted, restart!" Amakuni shouted.

You could hear Yōchina's sanity shatter like glass.

Yōchina would also practice his sword slicing on giant ice blocks gathered from the ice lake that would always freeze over.

-Seismic Sense Training-

Yōchina would be blindfolded and would be told to decipher certain items. It started as simple as rocks, fruit, and grass being thrown to the ground and being asked to tell them apart, but then evolved to tell what type of rock it was. Was it smooth or rigid? What was the fruit, an apple or orange? What was the squirrel's gender on the tree above him? These were the questions he had to answer correctly or the punishment would be harsh.

Amakuni threw an apple hard enough that it dented the ground and exploded. Yōchina looked worried as he could not tell, the throw seemed way too hard to be any type of soft object

"Uh... Basalt..?" Yōchina asked.

"Incorrect!" Amakuni shouted as he punched Yōchina in the stomach.

Yōchina immediately toppled over and had to stop himself from throwing up. Just then another item had been thrown to the ground.

"What was that?" Amakuni said calmly like he hadn't knocked the wind out of Yōchina's sails.

"What?" Yōchina asked still recovering.

""What" ain't an item I've ever heard! Do they sell "what" at the marketplace!?" Amakuni shouted.

"What??" Yōchina asked confused.

Grabbing Yōchina by the head Amakuni brought his face close to his.

"Say "what" again! Say "what" again! I dare you to say it again! Say "what" one more time!" Amakuni shouted.

"This is torture!" Yōchina thought to himself.

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