Chapter 1 - The Darkness Is Not A Nice Place

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(May contain false information about yourself but deal with it, okay? :D)

Pax East has just finished and you were so happy. You got to meet your favourite youtuber, Markiplier. He acted like how you expected, happy, energetic and funny. You gave him a plushie that looked like his Minecraft skin. He was very thankful, which brightened your mood even more. You were sitting down on a seat sorting out your stuff. As you were sorting out your stuff you heard someone call your name. "(Y/N), right? You were the one who gave me that plushie." You look up to see the handsome Youtuber. As you saw him you were surprised that he remembered your name. "Y-yeah. That's me." You say. He sits down next to you. You see him run his hand through his hair. You felt nervous. You quickly shove everything into the small bag that you have. "I'm surprised you remembered my name. Almost every second fans were coming up to you." You say. He grins, flashing his teeth. When you saw him grin you couldn't help but smile. "Well true but, you stuck out to me." He says. You immediately blush. "Come with me." He says. He stands up and looks into your eyes. You stared back into his eyes. You were confused. His eyes aren't pitch black, right?

You didn't know if you should accept or not. You decided to accept. You were going to get kicked out of Pax East anyways. He held out his hand and you accepted it. As soon as you stood up he ran to a door behind you, giving you just a second to grab your bag. He practically dragged you. You get back up on your feet. He grips onto your hand tightly, not letting go. 'Where was he taking me?' You thought to yourself. You felt terrified, but not at the same time. Mark wouldn't hurt you, right?

He takes you through a dark hallway. He then stops suddenly. You almost tumble over him at the sudden stop. He holds onto your hand tighter, almost hurting you. You stayed silent. His hair looked darker than before, but not because of the lighting. You could see him smile devilishly. "W-where are we?" You asked, terrified. He turns around, facing you. He then pulls your arm, pulling you closer to him. His face looked evil. You could see it in his eyes. He leans over you. He almost makes you fall back, but he holds you up with his other hand on your back. He smiles a wide grin. "You're a beautiful creature." He says deeply. "My beautiful creature." He says. His smile doesn't fade. His voice sounded evil. "P-please, let me go." You beg.

You hear him chuckle slightly. "It's too late, (Y/N). You made a mistake ever crossing paths with me." He whispers. You feel terrified. You knew that this wasn't Mark. You see his skin slowly fade into a grey colour. His eyes and hair go even darker. His teeth are a blinding white. You knew deep down that he wasn't human. Yeah, he had a humanly figure but he was some sort of demon. Under his eyes was dark skin. Kinda like he hasn't slept in days but like it has gotten worse.

You felt dizzy, like if this was a dream. He lowers you down onto the ground. "Shh, go to sleep." He whispers. You fight to stay awake, but it doesn't work. It's like he has put a spell on you. You fell asleep. The last thing you heard was a deep laughter.

You awake in a dark room. Your eyes flutter open. You rub your head. You look around. The walls and floor are concrete. There is a door that blends into the wall. On the ceiling there is one light hanging by some thick rope, flickering. It stands in the centre of the room. The rope is so torn It looks like it's almost going to fall off. You look around more. You don't seem to find your bag anywhere. There is also a table. You walk up to it. There's a note on it. You read it out loud. "You are mine." It says. You gulp. You start to breathe heavily. "This is a dream. This is just a dream." You whisper to yourself. "This isn't a dream." You hear a firm voice say. You hear their voice echo in your head. You look up. You see a dark figure in the corner of the room. You back up immediately. You hit the wall. The mysterious figure walks out of the shadows. You see his figure go static. You see him disappear. Right in front of you his static figure reappears. His figure then returns to the man you saw before.

The Evil Within Markiplier/Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now