Chapter 16 - I Was Born This Way PART TWO

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You rest on the ground, still speechless. It has been two hours and you had no idea what to do anymore. 'Should I 'try' and cheer him up or should I just leave?' You ask yourself. You didn't know. You rub your sore wrists. 'Well I can't stay in this room forever... Well.. Where am I in the first place?' You ask. You stand up, barely even being able to stand with your shaky legs. You see the axe in the corner of the room. You sigh and walk towards the door. You lift your hands to open it. You were hesitant to pull it open but you did. You grip your hands on the door knob. You twist it, figuring out its locked.

"Wha?!" You say in disbelief. "It can't be locked! It's just jammed." You tell yourself, trying to open the door. It doesn't work and you sigh. 'What does he want? Does he want me to die of starvation or does he want me to leave?' You tell yourself. You sigh, again. 'He did say he can't control himself, so he could strike at anytime.' You tell yourself. Your eyes widen. You gasp. 'I-it all makes sense now! He was forcing himself to not hurt me.. So he couldn't take it anymore and he lost it.. Because of me." You tell yourself. You feel a tear roll down your face.

"Dark!" You call out, hopefully having him hear. "Dark, please answer me!" You yell again. You bang on the door hard. You feel more tears come down. "Dark.. P-Please just let me talk to you." You say quieter, sliding you way down the door. You close your eyes, resting your head on the door. You bang on it again. "P-please.." You say, being able to hear the sadness in your voice.

You figured that he wasn't going to answer. You suddenly hear the door unlock. Your eyes open and widen. You stand slowly. You grip your hand on the door knob. You twist it slowly, successfully opening it. You open the door completely, exposing what's on the other side. You see complete darkness. You then spot a small amount of light, which seems to be on a counter. You carefully make your way to the light, trying to not trip over anything. You managed to make your way over, soon realising it's a candle. You spot a letter.

You pick it up with your shaky hands. You see blood prints on the envelope but you didn't care. You undo the letter. You place it on the counter to get more light on it. You start to read it. As you read it you start to tear up more.

'Dear (Y/N),
I know you just feel terrified and confused but I came to a final decision.
You probably wouldn't care anyways, since you complain so much about being here.
Yeah, I can read minds.
Anyways, I am leaving, forever.
That sounds stupid but it's true,
Because I'm doing this for you, (Y/N).
I need to leave.
I need to stay away from people.
I am dangerous. Even though I don't wish to be like this, I have to accept that this is who I am.
Don't bother to go looking for me, because I'm already gone.
And you will never see me again.
Remember I'm doing this for you, because I know I can't control myself so I need to do this now.


Your eyes widen. You suddenly feel lighter, as if someone or something was weighing you down. You ignore it. "H-he's leaving..? B-but I thought we had a connection..." You say to yourself. You shake your head. "Shut up! Do you know how stupid that sounds. A connection with a demon? I'm such an idiot." You laugh at your 'stupidity.' You laugh quietens, leaving you in a state of sadness. You see tears fall onto the letter, pouring down like a water fall. "You can't just leave me here. You don't have to do this for me. I'm just a human. I'm no one special." You whisper. You pick up the candle, which is resting on a holder.

You look around on the counter. Your eyes widen. "M-my bag?!" You say to yourself, surprised. It was your bag from the start. You place the candle down, immediately digging into your bag. You see all of your belongings. You spot your phone, turning it on. It has very low battery. You see you have tons of messages. Your shaky hands open up the contact.

'Mother: Darling, how was your trip to your 'youtuber' thing?

Honey? Answer me.

I'm calling you.

Why aren't you answering me?!

(Y/N)?! Are you okay?!

I swear, if your joking with me, I will ban you from YouTube for a year!

Please, answer me.

Honey!! It's been a day since you last talked to me! Please, your father and I are extremely upset!

Please, your friends said they haven't had a message from you since a couple of days ago! And your Facebook is always inactive!

I called you like, ten times already, please, where are you?!

It's been days since you talked to me!! Where are you?!

I have reported you missing, you better answer me or the cops are going to your convention thing!


Please... Where are you?! I can't loose my precious baby..'

You drop your phone onto the counter, almost dying of dehydration, caused from crying so much. Okay, that was exaggerated but you were crying too much. "M-mother.. I'm sorry I put you in this situation." You say to yourself, our loud. Your eyes widen and you pick up your phone. You dial your mothers number, immediately she picks up. You put it on speaker.

"OH MY GOD, (Dads Name)!! IT'S (Y/N)!!! OH MY GOD, HONEY. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!?!" You hear her yell in sadness and anger, mostly out of joy. "Mum! I'm fine! I-I will come home soon, and I-- and I just.. Let me call back later.. I need.." You say. You hear her gasp, cutting you off. "Nonono don't hang up! Please." She says, obviously in tears. "I'm sorry, I can't talk now, let me call back." You say. You hear her cry more. Whispering an 'okay.' You take a deep breath as you end the call.

You drop the phone back onto the counter. You fall to the ground, unable to stand anymore. You feel the tears overflow your eyes. You close them, not opening them. You bring your knees up, wrapping your arms around them. You had so much on your mind. 'This doesn't make sense... Why would he leave because of ME?! Why would he do it for ME?!' You question yourself. You open your eyes immediately. You see that the room has become lighter, which you ignore.

You stand up. You stumble your way to a random door, putting your phone in your pocket. You didn't know where you were. You went to the first door you found, which had a ladder to reach it. You climb the ladder, opening the door. You see the moonlight. You feel wind breeze across your skin. You realise that you're in some sort of cellar or basement thing. You climb out, falling onto the grass ground. You force yourself to stand up. You feel the wind push you around a bit.

"Dark!" You called out. "Dark! Please!" You call out again. You fell more tears fall down. "Please... Dark.. I know you didn't really leave. You're here somewhere, I know it! I know you wouldn't leave for me!" You yell out, not caring about the houses around you. You fall to the ground. 'I-it's no use..' You tell yourself.

"Hello? Are you okay?" You hear a young lady shout. You look up and see people coming out of their houses, seeing what's going on. The lady makes her way to you. "What happened, are you okay?!" She ask worriedly, holding your arms. She brushes her finger across your wrist, making you wince in pain. You look up at her, shocked, speechless and feeling like you're going to pass out.

You notice that she's an officer, which actually surprised you. "Wait a second... You're (F/N) (L/N)! You're the girl that's missing!!" She says, pulling out an object. You feel dizzy. You soon pass out, which she catches you before you hit the ground.


Guys.... Over 100 votes! Thank you so much! It's not just the votes, it's also the reads and your support! Thank you so much for reading this story! (It's not the end).. You don't know how happy I am!

The Evil Within Markiplier/Darkiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now