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Luke's P.O.V.

Side note: This is kinda open, you can perceive it as Luke x Whoever you want

"I said I'd take a bullet for you,

I didn't mean it literally."


On the floor. My head cradled in my hands. Tears splattered the cold concrete beneath my body. I felt helpless.

I am helpless.

Your last words echoed so sinisterly in my head, endlessly ringing out.


Such an undefined number.

Sometimes you describe their love with it.

On the contrary, death is the same.

You told me you'd take a bullet for me once.

And here you are, gone.

For infinity.

Throw me in a pit of molten lava

I'd still be freezing without you.

Your gravestone has no breeze and no sign of life around

The leaves are amber and chestnut and still.

"We had a good run" I whispered softly and hoarsely through sobs.


No one has ever experienced true solitude until they've lost the one person who was always there for them.

That's how I am without you.

It's as if a knot, bound for the ages that we both tied to our hearts, had been severed.

It only took one single moment.

I felt a strange feeling in regards to you,

Thinking you'd be my infinity.

But is there a such thing as true forever?

At least it wasn't your fault

Losing a friend is the worst pain in the world,

But when you can see them having more fun with others after they cut you out?

That's the worst.

It cuts you so deep

The blood endlessly drips.




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