The Order of the Stone pt2

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You sit on the stage and wonder.

Is anyone going to do anything about it?

Is the order going to reunite?

Your wondering is interrupted by footsteps walking down the stairs. You hide in a chest and watch someone walk downstairs. Once you see who it is you get out of the chest

"Hey Ivor" you say. He jumps before turning around to look at you.
"Hello Luca" he responds still a little jumpy

"Why did you do it? YOULL KILL EVERYONE" you yell at him. You were just as scared as he probably was.

"That doesn't matter the real problem is how are we going to stop it? Gabriel sent a group of people to get the order back together but, he was taken by the storm." Ivor says leaning on the table behind him.
The ground begins to shake. You grab onto a book case to try and stay up. The roof over your heads disappears and you look up to see the wither storm. It starts to pick you and Ivor up with the tractor beam. You keep ahold of the book case, as Ivor flys past you you grab his wrist so he doesn't fly too far in. You manage to get the two of you to the floor. You drag Ivor to safety. Once knowing the storm has left you ask Ivor where the group of people were. He explains all he can. You nod and leave him to find the group. As your walking away you hear the beam again. When you look back Ivor is gone. You run making sure you don't get caught as well.

After a while of running you begin to feel sick. You don't know why but you don't stop running.

You keep running and running and running until your too weak to keep going. You duck under a canopy in an ally for rest.

MCSM Soren x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now