The Last Place you Look

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As your trying to rethink the memories of the past, Magnus walks over to you.
"Hello" you say

"They went looking for Soren" he says as he sits down In front of you. You're now both sitting in the bushes away from the hideout.

"They did?" you smile a slight side smile

"Let me guess, you miss him?" He asks with a little chuckle. You take off your goggles and throw them at him. He catches them and throws them back.

"Alright now I know you miss him" Magnus jokes
You sigh then give in "yeah, I do"

"That's what I thought" he says standing up. "You need to tell that group of kids that your out here. Well after they find Soren of course" Magnus helps you up.
"Alright" you say to him. You wave him goodbye as he walks away. You pick up the rest of your things and put your goggles back on your head. You make your way back to the hideout. You find a nice place to hide then wait for the kids to come back. You sit there for what seems like days before they come back. You climb back into your hiding spot. You see Soren and smile a little, but everyone looks sad. What happened? You see the amulet glow.

"I thought we got all the members " the girl with black hair says

"Apparently not" the blonde respond.

You watch as the one with the amulet gets closer to you. You fall from your hiding place and finger gun the so it seems leader while you're laying on the floor.

"Who are you?" He asks

"I'm Luca" you say standing up

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