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Harry's POV
I woke up to the feeling of strong arms wrapped around my waist, I looked up to see a sleeping Draco Malfoy, I looked around the compartment, seeing Hermione and Pansy cuddling, looking cute. I shifted my weight so i wasn't fully on Draco, and because i thought i was crushing him.

"Urgh, no get back here."  Draco said, making Harry blush once more.

"We have to change, we'll be at Hogwarts soon" I get up to leave but I see that my trunk was already in to compartment. Draco's eyes drifted to my trunk and said:

"No you don't." And pulled me back into the warmth of his well muscled body. I melted into Draco's body, i felt as if we were made for each other. But I could see the old castle looming in the distance.

"Draco, we have to change into our robes, I can see Hogwarts from here!" I say

"Ughhh, fine bossy pants!" He says jokingly

We start to change, once my robes are I turn around only to see Malfoy shirtless. His body was like heaven, he had a well toned back, and abs, no doubt from 4 years of quidditch .

"Like what you see Potter?, your staring." Draco says teasingly. Making my cheeks flush hot. Draco pulls his white oxford on, buttoning it up. I turn around to see that Hermione and Pansy must have left while Draco had held onto Harry without them noticing. Harry pulled on his Gryifindor robes while Malfoy pulls on Slytherin robes. Once the train stops we part ways but before that Draco said:

"I'll be seeing you later." I smiled, who would have thought. Draco Malfoy wanted to see Me. I hopped of the train only to be confronted by a group of Hufflepuff's, there were about four of them and they all had set angry faces. I knew what was going to happen next. The lead Hufflepuff, a tall, lanky boy with brown hair and freckles took a stop towards me.

" Well, well, well if it isn't the Triwizard Champion in the flesh. How was it when you killed my brother?" The only thought that came to mind was: oh no, this is Cedric brother. I was lost for words, before i could even take a step back the lead boy took a swing at my face, connecting in my cheek, pushing me onto the ground the rest if the group joined in. It was only when a angry voice shouted out.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I weakly looked up to see a tall, blonde in Slytherin robes, eyes blazing with anger: Draco. The Hufflepuffs ran away out of fright. Draco kneeled down.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Just peachy." I sarcastically replied, i felt horrible, the group must have broken at least one of my ribs because whenever i took a breath a shooting pain would hit me in the side. Draco put a arm under my knee and one under my back, picking me up I said:

"Why are you being so nice to me, we used to despise each other?"

"I've realized how much of a dick i was for the past four years, so I decided to change for the better, and for a fact, Ive always cared about you, just never showed it." He said, i looked up at his face, his gray eyes were beautiful. I looked down to his lips, slim and smooth looking, I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss them. Without thinking I raised my arm to grab his chin and lean down, I raised my head up a bit and thats when it happened. Our lips connected, Draco stopped in his tracks. It was amazing, better than any other kiss I had ever had. Pulling away, grasping for breath, I said sorry only for Draco to reply with:

"Don't be, I enjoyed that a lot." I must have burned crimson, he like my kiss, I looked up to see that he was looking at me.

Draco's POV
God his eyes were amazing, vivid green, but he thought i had enjoyed our little kiss. But in reality it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. As i was looking at him he looked up. God, this boy had me. I'd do anything for him. While looking into thought green eyes i leaned down once more. Connecting our lips once more.

"You didn't have to do that." Harry stated once we had broken the heavenly kiss.

"I know, but I wanted to do that." I said smugly and Harry blushed. I must had blushed as well because i felt my cheeks burn. Once we arrived at the castle because we had mussed the carriages, Professor McGonagall rushed out of the front doors, cleaning Harry up, she said:

"You better get inside, the re-sorting ceremony with be beginning shortly.

Re-sorting?, I thought this was new, I placed Harry down timidly, not wanting him to be hurt further. But he seem fine. We walked up the stone steps, thorough the giant oak doors, pace the entrance hall and into the great hall, only to be met with a short, plump, pink wearing, toad faced looking woman.
Harry's POV
"Hello children," said the toad-faced woman, she looked at my blooded-up state in disgust.

"After the re-sorting ceremony Mister Malfoy can take you up to the infirmary to clean you up, I am Dolores Umbridge, undersecretary to the Minister for Magic himself, and I will be your new Defence Against The Dark Arts professor for this year and so on," Umbridge said, turning away from us and heading back to the teacher's table at the head of the great hall.

"This year is going to be great," I said sarcastically, Draco smiled and walked to the line where we met Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, and Ron. They saw Me and rushed over to us, fussing over the blood dripping down my front and my nose. We turned around when we heard Dumbledore trying to gather everyone's attention, telling us that our school will be taking in a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, the pink lady stood up from her chair, there wasn't much of a difference because of how short she was. Umbridge walk up to the side of the podium where Dumbledore was, everyone started whispering, no one has ever interrupted the Headmaster's beginning of the year speech.

"Hello everyone, I'm so glad to see all of your smiling faces looking up at me, but I'm sorry to stop the fun, this year we will be re-sorting all of the students second year and above because I've recently been given information that the hat has been taking the wearers choice into preference into account, so, without a due," she pulled out a scroll of parchment with everyone's names on it.

"Granger, Hermione." Umbridge said. The sorting hat thought for a minute with a nervous Hermoine biting her lips sitting under it, the hat took another moment of so before shouting:

"RAVENCLAW!" Hermonie's face dropped, the three of us had been hoping to be in the same house still, but, we all knew that Ron and I could never be sorted into Ravenclaw. Umbridge yelled out another name of a student in Hufflepuff robes, they were staying in Hufflepuff with a look of relief on their face. After a few students Neville was called up, everyone started to whisper about what house he would be sorted into, both of his parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom were driven into insanity by the Cruciatus Curse at the height of Voldemort's power in the last Wizarding War. Neville walked the way down the line of students waiting to be sorted. Umbridge placed the Hat on his head, it took barely 30 seconds for the Hat to yell:

"GRYFFINDOR!!" the Gryffindor table erupted into cheers, it wasn't very loud because of the small number of people sitting down, most were still inline, awaiting being sorted. Finally, Draco was called up he would be sorted back into Slytherin, after Draco, Umbridge called me up. I sat down hesitantly before the hat even toughed my head it shouted:

"SLYTHERIN!!" the Great Hall burst into intense whispering, I caught little bits of conversation:

"Harry Potter?, sorted into Slytherin?" I looked over to the Ravenclaw table where I met Hermione's eyes, she looked surprised but overall, frightened. I turned to face the Slytherin table, I walked over and sat down beside Draco, I looked across the Hall to see that while I was in my head, Ron had been sorted into Hufflepuff. I felt Draco put his arm around my shoulder, I looked up ad saw that he was dead staring at a Slytherin that sat across from us, they looked as if they wanted me. I watched as they saw Draco's cold, grey eyes and looked down scaredly. Draco leaned down so he was able to whisper into my ear.

"It'll be okay, I can protect you." I looked back down, blushing, thinking: This year is going to be great. without a drop of sarcasm.

1534 words

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