Chapter 6 ; Breathe

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Applying pressure onto my waist the pain just got worse, I assumed everyone was fast asleep so I tried my best to not make a sound letting the palm of my hand rest on my forehead while the other holds my waist before closing my eyes shut taking deep breathes as I feel myself slowly drifting to darkness.

Wanda's POV

I woke up to my throat feeling parched and a upset stomach all night so I got up on the edge of my bed and slipped on my Fluffy slides and was heading towards the kitchen.

It didn't even take a second as I exited the door to discover blood trails leading into Y/N's room, I saw that her door was slightly left opened so I called out her name if she was ok "Y/N?" but there was no response "Y/N hun are you ok?" I called again but there was still absolute silence, I anxiously began to feel worried as it starts to build so I pushed open the door and saw her lifeless body on the ground covered in her own pool of blood "OH MY GOD!".

I rushed over to her and managed to sit her up letting her head rest on my neck as I searched where the blood was coming from "Y/N stay with me now, open your eyes hunny"my throat still being parched so I tried to gather as much saliva in my mouth to swallow so I was able to scream out loud for the others to hear me, taking a big gulp I frantically yelled for help "SOMEONE HELP!" and like that the sound of doors slamming open and running came fleeing towards my distress.

Everyone stood at the doorway as expected everyone was left speechless "Oh shit!" Bucky gasped as he gently picks up Y/N bridal style and sprinted towards the lab while Thor removed his robe and placed it in on Y/N as her body begins to freeze leaving the rest of the crew to follow them behind.


I tilt towards my side and flinch in pain my eyes beginning to open wide "Shit" I hissed as I could still feel blood trickling down my skin "Relax Y/N" Bruce informs me.

"Im fine, just bandage me up and I'll be on my way" I confronted him as I sit up on the bed "Woah you better lay back down" as a husky voice could be heard behind me "How is she doing babe?" Nat asked a little concerned "She's ok for now we need to remove the bullet in her wound immediately" Bruce replied scratching the back of his head.

I didn't think anything of it at first cause I knew Nat didn't like him at all as that's what I'm gathering from her mind, most importantly she was trying to make me jealous.. which you could tell it clearly didn't work.

"I'm fine" I said calmly as I got up and walked over towards the door only to be greeted by Maria "Nah uh sit your ass back down" I rolled my eyes and walked back to the bed as Bruce organises his equipment "Ayooo what the fuck your not sticking that in my wound" I argued backing up a-bit from the sharp tools he had.

"Y/N relax and lay back" Bruce says trying to calm me down while Natashas hands were placed on my shoulders to stop me from moving.

My heart started racing in panic, I wasn't going to let anyone touch me using that sharp syringe so without hesitation I stuck my hand deep into my wound and started searching for the bullet.

"Y/N What are you doing!?" he yelled as he continues to stare at my hand digging in to find the bullet within my body "What the fuck does it look like I'm doing!" I grunted out in pain until my fingers come in contact with a hard piece of material hiding within my organs slowly retrieving it out of my wound and placing it in Bruce's hands "Is this what your looking for Big Guy?" I smirked not giving him any sign of suffering in my face.

"Now if you excuse me.. I'll be on my way" I said before snatching the bandages off the table as I casually walk towards the door taking Maria's hand in mine "Your coming with me too любовь" as we make our way back to my room as I could feel Nats eyes glaring at me with anger.

Natashas POV

"Nat baby can you go bring her back" Bruce informed me trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened.

I myself was still trying to figure what had just happened as-well and how did it happen, Y/N didn't show any care about me and Bruce dating at all,  she just didn't care... which had me furious. My feelings are somewhat becoming much more stronger and passionate towards her ever since she arrived but out of all people I was afraid to tell how much I wanted her, with Bruce it felt like nothing and I wanted something much more.

I finally set foot outside Y/N's door to hear laughing happening inside her room as I gently open the door to see Maria bandaging Y/N's wound giving her a small smirk as Marias eyes gazes into hers, both of them froze as their heads slowly moves closer towards each other until their lips were locked. Maria cupping her face until Y/N pulled back before thanking her.

I clenched my jaw at how frustrated I was but I couldn't be mad at her if I chose to date Bruce... I was craving for her love, the love I wanted first.


I looked down and smirked as I could feel Natashas presences watching I gazed into Maria's eye and tucked the strand of hair behind her ear  "Maria I would love to go out with you" I added as Maria's face lightens up "I'm stoked, I'll see you later Fury is buzzing my phone " giving one last kiss to each other before she left the room as Natasha walks in afterwards locking the door behind her.

I looked up and smiled to see Natashas arms crossed staring into my eyes which felt like forever "Yes?" I quoted getting up from the bed as I walk towards the bathroom "What the fuck was that?" she said trying to control her anger
"What the fuck was what?" confused into why she could possibly be mad she stayed quite.

"Miss Romanoff is there a reason why your in my personal space?" I questioned washing the blood off my hands noticing Natasha standing behind me in the mirror. "Personal space? What do you know about personal space? You worked at a strip club" she whispered aggressively into my ear, I clenched my jaw and grabbed the blade I hid in the cabinet turning around pinning her against the wall and held it against her neck "Just a stripper?, Care to explain why you were there that night Natalia?" I whispered into her neck as a small moan escapes her lips.

I dropped my blade and pointed the door signalling that I didn't want her in my room "Take notes Nat, I'm not a home wrecker and while your at it go back to Bruce and tell him I'm fine" I directed making her leave my room without a word.

I took a deep breathe before washing up reminding myself I'm only here to get the job done and that was to kill the man behind this madness before I made my way over to my bed looking down at my wounded scar that was displayed on my waist.

Letting out a sigh I lift my hand and flick my wrists releasing white wisps from my finger tips as it surrounds my waist closing my skin together as normal not leaving a single scratch on my body before getting ready bed.

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