Chapter 7 ; Ah shit here we go again

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I found myself sleeping at home as I spot a tall figure with a strong average build leaning against my bedroom door I quickly closed my eyes and pretended I was fast asleep as I felt the bed sink next to me.

The smell of alcohol reeked as I felt his breath hit the back of my neck one hand rested on my thigh and the other covering my mouth "If you say anything I'll kill your mother but surely she won't believe you cause I'm her boyfriend, got that princess?" I hesitantly nodded as I felt a hard bulge pressed against my back making him whimper out a moan. It was endless muffled cries and pain until he finished and left me bleeding in my own bed.

_ _ _ _ _ _

"ARGHHHHH!" I yelled as my whole body bolted up in tears trying to forget what had happened but it was impossible to get rid of the thought of what had happened in the pass knowing it was stuck with me forever, the door opens and there stood Wanda in panic as she came to hug me "Hey hey hey it's ok I'm here" she reassured me as she moves the strand of hair away from my face. "It was just a dream love, it's okay I'm here" as her warm body pressed against mine while she gently rubs my back to calm me down.

Tears still flowing down my face while I try to stabilise my breathing. I rested my head on Wandas shoulders which instantly sends a shock to Wanda making her jump a little.

She glares at me and tilts her head in disbelief she looks down and pulls the blanket away from me revealing the wound was gone making her jaw drop.

"You have powers?!" she yelled as I rush over to cover her mouth "Wanda please, you can't tell anyone not a single soul" I begged as she nods lightly making me remove my hand from her mouth slowly.

" Y-you have powers, why didn't you tell any of us?" she whispers still stunned in disbelief "It was going to be out soon eventually, look you've probably seen a lot already just don't tell anyone about this please" as she quickly hugs me in approval "Of course I won't tell anyone, I'm so sorry that happened to you.. I didn't think you've been through so much" I stare at my feet as tears start to fall "Look I get it you've lost a lot.. and I get why your here.. trust me no one here will judge you" she comforts me with a small smile.

"I'm assuming you've seen me half naked on stage" I chuckled as her cheeks flushed red "Not really, I was getting it from Nat's" she laughs revealing her beautiful white pearls. I gave her another hug before pulling away giving her a smile in return "Thank you again..." I mentioned which makes Wanda look confused "Again? For what?" she questions "For calling help when I was bleeding to death and you've come to my rescue again to make sure I was ok.. I'm sorry if what you saw was traumatic" I looked down at her hands visualising my blood stained on her fingers tips while my thumbs rubs her soft hands.

I look up and realised she was daydreaming which wasn't really a surprise to me cause I clearly know what it's about "Wanda?.." I smiled her becoming completely lost in her thoughts "Mhm.. Oh god sorry yes?" she shakes her head before her eyes join with mine "You know I can read your mind right" I smirked which makes her blush harder then before.

"Ahem" I heard a cough at the door and there stood Maria with her arms crossed leaning against the door frame "Sleep rough baby?" she said raising a brow.

"Maria.. yes I'm ok I was just going to head downstairs to find something to eat" I said giving Wanda another hug before heading to the kitchen.

I wondered around the kitchen to search what was there to eat as I felt Maria's arms wrap around my waist "How was your sleep Ms Decarter?" she whispered into my ear placing kisses on my neck "It was ok.. just those nights" I huffed turning around so my eyes were looking directly at hers "If your here to accuse me of cheating with Wanda which I would never do then I don't want to hear it" I said as I begin to stuff my face with my bowl of cereal "I know you didn't cheat I was standing there for approximately 14 minutes since she entered the door" she smiled as she plays with my hair "Glad to hear you weirdo, any news from Fury?" I questioned.

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