Chaos pt.2: Panic attacks and blood

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I've been coding a website for school and I have to be done thursday... I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF DESIGN IM GOING FOR-


"So believe me now?" Wilbur asked and everyone nodded, even Dream. "Good."

"Now, you all might've noticed no one is getting away- I'm not saying you all are guilty of hurting Tommy, but no one tried to help him either." His eyes scanned the audience, "And well.. I like torturing people."

"So well let me.. demonstrate.. Anyone wants to go first?" Wilbur said and no one really wanted to be first.

"No one?" Wilbur said with a dissapointed face, "I would start with my friend here," Wilbur touched Dreams' head sending a wave of pain, much like the feeling of being burned, through him. "But I got some.. plans for him, my dear mother gave them to me."

"But.. Someone else here is also guilty of making Tommy go through this." Wilbur saw Tubbo's whole body tense and laughed, "George! I found you ha-ha. What a stupid fucking name." Wilbur whispered, somehow still carrying his voice over the whole audience.

"You see, George you were the one to get Dream here to exile Tommy, for burning your house! As if other people here didn't do that multiple times, but no, you're special to Dream. I heard you and Dreams' god persona even tend to get a bit.... touchy?" Wilbur laughed again when both Dream and George's faces flushed, "So I am right. Well come here."

George moved, he had to, he regretted getting Tommy exiled, he really did.

The child had deserved it, though.

When George was finally there on the stage with them, Wilbur  started talking again: "Tommy he told me some interesting things, more specifically things you would do to him during exile."

"No- d-don't please." Dream begged, pathetic. 

"No- no Dream, you should learn how to take responsibilty for your actions so now you will. Do it."

"I can't." Dream looked at his now free feet in embarassment.

"Oh, but you can." Wilbur said getting Dream to look up with his index finger, "You did it before."

George looked between them in confusion. "D-do it, D-Dr-Dream. Just- quickly. P-please."

Dream took a deep breath and nodded, noticing all the items he needed were in his invertory now, "Did you see it before? H-how did you-" Wilbur looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "I'm a god, Dream."

Dream nodded, having nothing else to say.

Wilbur placed an enderchest, "Get all your important stuff from there George."

George obeyed without questions.

Tommy looked at the scene and the memories all came back, his breath got heavier and quickly the trying to calm himself turned into a panic attack- how did that happen?

"Hold on, pause." Wilbur almost shouted, his eyes and veins shining in a bright light, freezing Dream and George he turned to Tommy.

"Toms, Toms, you okay?" Wilbur walked up to the boy, the boy just sat there staring forward, tears on his cheeks. 

"Tommy, look at me, please?" Wilbur asked in a soft voice, ignoring the whole audience staring in weird fascination of the god being so caring.

Tommy's eyes slowly went up and he opened his arms, quietly asking for a hug. Wilbur gave him one immediatly, shushing his apologies. 

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