Chapter 3

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Skye heard Rocky and Marshalls conversation, and decided that she didn't need to know if Everest liked her back, she just had know if she loved Skye back.

She took a deep breath and walked towards Everest's pup house. She was about to open the door, but then she panicked and ran to her pup house.

Skye started to cry. She wished she could ask Everest, but what if Everest didn't like her. It would make things very awkward between them.

After a while, the door to her pup house opened. Everest was standing in the doorway. She closed the door behind Skye, and asked, "Why are you crying?"

Skye hesitated then decided to tell her. Sort of.  "Well, I like this pup, but I don't think they like me back."

Everest nodded. "Me too." then, taking her chance, she said " I love you Skye."

"I love you too Everest"


"Yes, your the most amazing pup ever. "

Skye kissed Everest and asked her, "do you want to be my Girlfriend?"

"Of course!"

Since it was getting late, Everest decides to sleep with Skye in her pup house.

When morning came, Chase saw the two cuddling when he woke them up and decided to tell Chase how he felt. He also told Rocky that he should tell Zuma.

Chase approached Marshall. "I need to tell you something. From the moment I laid my eyes on them, I fell in love with a pup. And that pup is you."

"Wow Chase I-i love you too."

Chase couldn't help himself and grinned. " Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.


Chase and Marshall then shared a kiss and spent the afternoon cuddling in Chase's pup house.

When Rocky approached Zuma, he asked straightforward, never being one for small talk. " I love you Zuma."

Zuma looked flustered, but replied "Wocky I-i awso wove you!"

"So... Will you be my boyfriend Zuma?"

Zuma didn't reply, but instead kissed Rocky. They spent the rest of the day cuddling.

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