(1) A New House (Your P.O.V)

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PLEASE  read the TW (trigger warning) chapter!

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           "Um, are you sure you want this house? You do know that there is a rumor that this house is haunted?" Your accountant asks you if you are sure you want this house. "I honestly just don't care anymore. It's the only one I can afford." You sign the proper paperwork and take the house key. You leave the building and head for your new house. Once you're there, you sigh. You look out the windshield and up at the house. "I can see why people think it's haunted." You open the car door and step out towards the house. 

            You head to the door. It takes a while to open the door.  Finally, the stiff door opens with a stern push. "God! Could my life get any worse?" With the door open, you take a look around the whole house from where you stand. You see cobwebs, rats, and dull chipped colors. "I stand corrected." You look outside and see no neighbors around. With that, you close the door and sit down against it. Suddenly you couldn't take it anymore. You begin crying. You scream, shout, hit the back of your head on the door, and continue crying. You've hit rock bottom. 

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            An hour passes and you finally stand up. You wipe your eyes and head to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, you look around. Opening the fridge, you are met with it full of groceries. "What the?" Suddenly, you hear something fall behind. You spin around quickly. "Huh?! Who- who's there!?" You're met with nothing in response. You hesitantly turn back towards the fridge. Once you face it, you're hit with an awful stench. "Hah?! But a second ago?!..." You can see that most of the food had disappeared and what remained was moldy and old. You close the fridge door and head back to the front door. You decide to head up the creaky stairs and tour the rest of the "haunted" house. 

           Perhaps it's just my mind playing tricks on me... You've come to find that you aren't as disappointed as you thought you'd be. With a little fixing, it might come to feel like home. You sigh and head back to the car. You bring back the boxes filled with some of your stuff and place them in their respective rooms. Once you enter the bedroom, you sit down on the bed. You begin to hum your favorite song. It was a song that only you and your sister knew. No one else had ever heard of it. Once the harmony part plays in, you can hear a male voice hum along with you. You jumped at the sudden sound. You began to look around for where the voice was coming from but you found no one. "I swear! Who are you?! I am not afraid to fight you!" You yell out to anyone who might be there but, again, nothing.

            Okay, maybe I'm just tired... You pull out your sheets from one of the boxes. You begin making your bed and setting up the curtains. Once you finished, you headed to your bed and pulled back the sheets. You lay down and pulled the sheets over your body. You rested your head on your pillow and closed your eyes. Soon you were sunk into a nice, calming setting. 

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            It was peaceful. You had woken up in your room but it was cooler. Before you had gone to sleep, the temperature was humid and gross, but when you woke up in your dream, the temperature was cooler and it felt nice. You sat up and looked at the decorated room. The wallpaper was a light shade of blue. As you gazed around the beautiful room you had woken up in. You pulled back the covers and swung your legs over the bed. The floor had new, polished wood. You walked out the door to see a carpet that led down the stairs. You trailed them towards the kitchen. The kitchen was cleaned and there were no stains to be seen. Trailing off you walk towards the dining room. You hide behind a corner once you hear voices. 

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