(14) Lucky

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PLEASE read the TW (trigger warning) chapter! (Updated)

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            Throughout the next few hours, everyone else began waking up. Belphegor had snuggled into me, awake but clingy. It turned out, mid-surgery, there was a complication, and for a moment, I had flatlined. But miraculously, I had recovered quickly. They removed part of my lung with no complications after that. So aside from the close loss, the surgery was a success. I was glad and so was everyone else. However, Belphie was a lot clingier for a while after hearing about my flatlining. Of course, that was to be expected, though.

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            "So, Y/n, what was it like? Did you dream in your coma?" Asmodeus spoke up and smiled, interested as soon as the doctor had left. "Well, I was visited by this small blond boy named Luke. And this very handsome dark-haired boy named Simeon. And Lilith. We had a picnic together and talked. Looking back, I think I noticed when I flatlined. I got very winded in my dream and felt like the wind got knocked out of me. But, I drank something and felt better. And after a few hours, I fell asleep in the dream. I woke up to see you all in here and Satan walking in with coffee."

            I looked around the room as I finished my story. Everyone seemed to be in shock. They were silently staring at me in disbelief. "What? Was it something I said?" Belphie broke the silence first and looked up at me, wide awake at this point. "You saw Lilith?" Crap! I forgot I never told them about my dreams!  "O-Oh, yeah..." I chuckled nervously. "She visits me every time I fall asleep." I kept playing with Bel's hair. I smiled softly as I thought about all the things we did in my dreams.

                 "Why did you never tell us?" Levi spoke up, confused. I shrugged a bit. "Never came up in conversation. And by the time I felt it became necessary, I had already been having these dreams for so long that I felt weird randomly bringing them up." Everyone relaxed a bit, probably understanding where I was coming from. "Does... Does she ever bring us up...?" Beel laid his head on my lap. He looked up at me with the most adorable puppy dog eyes. I smiled and patted his head. "Sometimes. In the first few dreams, she told me how much she missed you guys. She said she was sorry for leaving you and she said she's watching over you, always."

                 They all smiled a bit, seemingly happy with my response. I could tell they all loved Lilith so much. And even many years later, they still miss her just as much. Their connection was a strong bond, even in death. No wonder Lilith adored her older brothers.

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                 The day went by pretty quickly. There wasn't much to do besides talk. Kate came in a few times to check on me and how my body was reacting to the surgery. Nothing was wrong so she left shortly after. However, my mind still wandered back to Simeon. For whatever reason, he was stuck in my mind. But I mainly just kept my mind on the present. The brothers that were here with me. Because I wouldn't have them for long. I was going to miss them when I passed.

                 "Y/n? Are you alright?" I heard Asmo speak up. He seemed to have noticed my spacey stare. I just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. I'm really gonna miss you guys..." I looked down at my lap and smiled sadly. "Miss us? Where are you going? You're not supposed to leave the hospital." Beel tilted his head confused. "They're talking about when they die, dumbass." Mammon rolled his eyes as he flipped through the magazine on the chair. He yelped as Satan hit him on the back of the head with a hard-back book he had brought with him. "What was that for!? You better respect your older brother!" Mammon rubbed the back of his head and winced as his hand traveled over the growing bump. I was surprised he didn't have brain damage already from how many times he's been hit.

                 "Where is this coming from Y/n? From what we've heard, you have a while until you pass on." Satan ignored the whining of his older brother. He looked at me concerned. I smiled and shrugged. "I suppose the near death in the surgery and my growing cancer has opened my eyes a bit. I took my life for granted, not realizing how little time life has. So I just wanted to voice my gratitude to all of you. You turned my world around and made it worth living. Even if I didn't want to live it sometimes..."

                 The room fell silent for a moment. They all stared at me for a moment. Most were blank faces, others were slightly shocked. Belphie broke the silence and nuzzled under my chin. "You're very welcome, Y/n... We may not have had a human life, but you make our demon lives worth living." He smiled and laid his head on my collarbone. Beel smiled like a happy puppy. Asmo smiled softly. Satan was puzzled, trying to figure out Bel's logic and choice of words. Lucifer nodded and smiled slightly as he stood in the doorway. Mammon hid his face in the magazine and Levi just looked at his lap, both blushing brightly. But they all agreed nonetheless.

                 "I love you guys..." I smiled and hugged Bel tightly. He smiled and hugged me back. Beel joined in. Then Asmo, too. Lucifer sat beside my head and brushed my hair back in a comforting manner. Satan sat by my feet, smiling a bit. Mammon and Levi, afraid of being left out, joined the group hug soon enough. "We love you too." I chuckled and hugged them all as well. If someone had told me, years ago, that I'd be living with the seven demon brothers, I'd have called them crazy. But, now, I couldn't be happier.

                 It felt like my own personal heaven with them. I felt I could die happy now. Well, maybe not happy. I'd be leaving the brothers behind but I was grateful for them for saving me from myself. They were my family. My chosen family. I felt Bel nuzzle under my chin and I smiled. Soon enough, everyone (except Belphegor, obviously) pulled away. They went to sit on their seats, returning to what they had originally been doing before the hug. Hours passed and soon enough Kate came in, announcing it was time for the boys to go. I needed my rest and visiting hours were over long ago.

                 "They sure are something, huh?" Kate chuckled as she checked over me again. I smiled and nodded. "They're idiots. But they're my lovable idiots." I chuckled and looked over to Kate. She smiled and put the clipboard back at the foot of my bed. "Well, you got pretty lucky meeting them. And your vitals look normal so if you need anything, you know how to call me." I smiled and nodded, looking at the big red call button attached to the bed's remote. "Sleep well, Y/n." Kate smiled and left the room, leaving the curtain open a little. The faint yellow glow slipped into my room through the cracks of the curtain. I smiled and leaned my head back against my pillow. I looked at the ceiling as I slowly drifted off to sleep. Lucky... Yeah, I sure am lucky...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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