First day of school (part 2)

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*Scarlett's pov*

I looked away from him, uninterested. Dylan still stood there looking at me when his friend got his attention.

"Dude, what are you staring..."

He looked towards me...oh great...I heard him whispering to Dylan as they were taking their seats.

"Damn, is that the new girl that everybody was talking about?" His ginger haired friend said.

Talking about? I'm the talk of this school already? Wow, people here really don't have anything better to do.

I was lost im my thoughts again when the teacher came in.

"Alright class, I hope you studied because we are starting the day off with a pop quiz"

I heard groans from all around the room.

"And I hope you noticed our New student today. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"Of course" I said with a smile and stood up turning to the class. "Hello, I'm Scarlett Jones and I transferred here from Spring Waters High"

The teacher looked at me in shock. Was there something on my face?

The teacher spoke "oh wait, you were the president of the student council, right?" She said in excitement

"Yes, mam"

"Oh my God that's wonderful. We were trying to find someone to be president for the student council, but nobody fits the requirements. Would you like to be the president?"

Wow, this day is starting off really well. "I would be honored"

"Oh that's great!" She said in excitement. I like her already.

I sat down and noticed the teacher inspecting the class.

"Well, I see everybody is here except for Xander"

Hmm, that's a pretty cool name. But that's unbelievable. Who just doesn't show up to class? He won't have a pretty bright future.

The teacher started passing out the quiz.
"Oh Scarlett, would you want to try to do the quiz? You don't have to, it'll just keep you busy for a while."

"Yea sure, I'll give it a try."

I took the quiz and looked over it. Pff, please I've done this in myself school. I could do it in my sleep.

I finished my quiz in 2 minutes and got up to give it to the teacher.

Kids were staring at me in disbelief, but I.didn't care. Except for when dylan was staring at me with a smirk on his face while he was eyeing my body.

Eww, I had a crush on this guy? He's such a creep now that I think of it.

"Wow, scarlett a perfect score and you finished in two minutes!" She said in amazement

"Yea, I've actually done this before so it was pretty easy."

"It is going to be an honor having you in my class" she said with a smile.

"Thank you so much" I said with a smile and sat back down.

I sat down waiting for everybody to finish.

*30 min later*


I was so bored. I should have brought my book "the death cure" but I didn't want to.finish. I spent half an hour crying over my loves death. Why couldn't newt live??!

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