Xander's POV

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Xander's POV
Everyone seemed to love my party. There was an enormous pool, a ton of junk food, blasting music, drinks, and people smoking. I just don't know why I wasn't that into it.
"Hey baby, awesome party"
I heard Natasha form behind me and she grabbed my face and kissed me. Well, more like make out for 5 seconds. I didn't really enjoy it.
"hey" I said dryly.
"you want anything to drink, babe?"
"No i'm fine, thanks"
Natasha seemed kind of upset at the fact that I wasn't giving her much attention.
"what's wrong? everythign alright? Are you not having fun?"
"No, i am" I put on a smile
"If you want..."
She said as she came closer to me and put her face so close our lips almost touched. I could feel her breath against my face as her hand trailed down my chest.
"We could go up to your room and have a little fun"
She whispered in my ear as she started to nibble on it.
I wasn't really into it. I pushed her off a bit
"Babe, I'm really not in the mood right now. It's not you I just have some things on my mind."
She looked shocked and upset by it.
I kissed her forehead and went to go get a drink.
I went to the cooler and grabbed a beer. I open it and took a sip and started to walk to some quiet place when someone jumped hit my back. Not in a hurtful way.
"Hey man! Awesome party!"
I turned to see that it was Dean. Scar's best friend
"hey man. I'm glad you could make it" I said happily and gave him a bro hug.
"So um, is Scar here" I asked. Hoping she was. I also wanted to apolagize for what I did earlier at school. I dind't mean to be a dick towards her. It's just what my friends expected of me, but I shouldn't have done that. I really wanted to let her know I was sorry.
"yea dude, she's somewhere around the party. I just don't know if she's really into it. I mean, this isn't really her style"
"yea I know" I laughed abit
"you know?" dean asked kind of confused.
"uh yea I mean she seems like she's the type to not like parties." I laughed it off a bit
"yea i know what you mean, but she should be around here somewhere"
"Alright cool. well, enjoy the party man." I said
"alright bro see you later"
And with that, I left hoping to find Scar.
After what seemed ages, I couldn't find her. I was not really in the party mood so I decided to find some quiet place when I heard a familiar voice.
"well, well, well, I see this fatass found her favorite part of the party" It was Natasha, but who the hell was she talking to?
I heard her and her friend laughing
I kept listening in to the conversation, but didn't get closer.
"What do you want?" It was scar
"what the hell?" I said. it was skye! I finally found her. I've seen Natasha being mean to Scar before and Scar really stands up for herself and doesn't take shit from anyone, but this sounded different. She sounded weak fo rsome reason.
I got closer to see what was going on.
"are you enjoying all the food? I could tell because you looka bit bloated. Maybe you shouldn't have worn a tank top"
Natasha and her friends walked away and I noticed how sad Scar looked and I really hated seeing her that way. Usually she's this feisty girl, but something was wrong and I really wanted to be with her.
Scar was in my thoughts that I hadn't realized Natasha came up to me and kissed me. I felt gross when Natasha kissed me expecially after what she did to Scar and the way she made her feel. I pushed Natasha off me and looked at Scar, but she ran off.
"Babe, what the hell was that fo-"
I went off before she could finish her sentence. I wanted to look for Scar.
I went around the house looking for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere.
What made me think she would have stayed here. She probably left home. I needed to breathe for a bit. I decided to go to the bathroom.
I decided to knock to make sure no one was in there, but before I could knock, the door swung open. It was Skye.
I was confused. She didn't look at herself and I was trying to figure out what was wrong, but she kept her eyes to the floor. As if she were hiding something.
"Is everything alright?" I finally asked
"What do you care?" She said a bit nasty and that kind of hurt.Why would she think I didn't care? She also sniffled and wiped her nose and then started to walk off whenI grabbed her hand and brought her back to me. I wanted to see her face so I tilted her chin up to make her look up at me, but she pulled her hand away fast.
"Can you stop please" She said, but it wasn't rude. It was kind of...weak. Like she was tired. And it sounded as if she had been crying. Was she crying? Is that why she went to the bathroom? My thoughts were lost in my head that it was too late for me to realize she had run off and now I didn't know where she went. I seriously need to pay more attention to things.
I've been trying to find Scar, but this time I'm pretty sure she went home. I grabbed a beer and started to chug it. It takes me a few beers in order to take effect. I was watching everybody dancing when I heard someone yell.
It sounded like a girl that was in panic and I couldn't tell who it was, but I was hoping that it was Scar, but at the same time I hope it wasn't.
I went rushing off to where I heard the voice.
When I went to where the voice was, I couldn't believe it. It was Dylan with Scar. He had her against the wall while he had his hand under his shirt touching her boobs and body while she was in tears. Nobody decided to help her. Why the fuck didn't anyone help her?!
I felt my blood boil at the sight in front of me and I don't know what was with me, but I grabbed Dylan by his shirt and slammed his body against the wall.
"Wtf do you think you're doing, huh?!" I screamed at his face thorugh gritted teeth with such anger.
"I'm s-sorry m-man" Dylan replied all scared. He should be. He houldn't have been touhing her in the first especially since she was crying. And he still kept going.
I sensed Scar was still really scared, but I needed to take care of this kid first.
"Don't ever touch her again okay? YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
I yelled that last part realy loud so he could remember. And he was so scared that all he could do was nod his head. What a wimp. I finally dropped him to the floow and he scurried off. I turned to Scar to comfort her.
"I'm sorry" She said with tears as she got up and left. This time she ran right out of the house.
Why was she sorry? What was she sorry about?
I went after her

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