Kiibos first time getting sick uh oh (sickfic)

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ok before we began yes kiibo can eat and drink stuff cause Miu added a function in him so he can eat and he can also sleep cause of a function Miu added

Anyways I wrote this for my bestie cause they suggested it so hereee<33

cw: swearing

3rd person POV:

Rantaro just walked through the door taking off his coat cause he just got back from work! Usually Kiibo is in the kitchen or living room waiting for him so he can give him a 'welcome home kiss' but today he... wasn't for some reason? Rantaro was concerned and kinda worried questioning if he did something wrong until he heard his bedroom door close

("so Kiibo is home... But why was he in the room?") Rantaro thought, then he started thinking either Kiibo had a surprise or was about to say something bad

well Kiibo sure did have a "surprise" for Rantaro

He finally made it to where Rantaro could see him and welcomed him home from work

all Rantaro could do was stand in shock for a little at the sight he saw

Kiibo looked horrible.

his nose was red and stuffy, his voice sounded all scratchy and he looked like he had a fever

Rantaro quickly ran over to him and put the back of his hand all over Kiibos face to feel how hot he was

"Kiibo your heating up and you look horrible!" Rantaro said panicking. No Rantaro doesn't mean he looks horrible in like a ugly way, he means it as in "are you okay? do want to talk?" kind of way if you get what I mean

"Rantaro I'm-" before he could finish his sentence he sneezed

was kiibo actually sick for the first time ever?

he then clears his throat and repeats what he said

"Rantaro I'm fine, y-you don't have to worry about me" Kiibo says in a calm voice acting like nothing is happening even though he looks like he's on the verge of passing out then there's Rantaro over here panicking his ass off cause this has never happened before

"Kiibo how can you stay so calm?! your heating up!"

Rantaro then picks up Kiibo bringing him to his room laying him down on the bed

"stay here I'm going to go get some soup and a ice pack" Rantaro says placing a kiss on the sick Kiibos forehead

a few minutes later Rantaro comes back with a bowl of soup and a ice pack for Kiibo

"Kiibo you should had called me about this I would have came home sooner if a knew" Rantaro says setting down the things he brought

"well I didn't know what was wrong so I was just ignoring it" Kiibo tells him pressing his two fingers together cause he felt embarrassed

"how do you feel right now?"

"I feel cold even though I'm burning up... I tried to sleep but I couldn't but I am pretty tired at the moment"

"well then um-" Rantaro puts a lid on the soup and lays next to kiibo hugging onto him

"try to fall asleep with me next to you" Rantaro says his voice a little shaky cause of what's happening

Rantaro doesn't mind if he gets sick cause he knows how to help himself but it's different since Kiibo is a robot

"But Rantaro w-what if you also get sick?" Kiibo says concerned

"I'll be fine Kiibo don't worry about me! your the one who needs as much help as he can get right now, not me."

Kiibo then snuggles closer to Rantaro and closes his eyes

after the span of about 5 minutes Kiibo peacefully fell asleep in Rantaros arms

"Welp I should probably take him to a doctor or Miu tomorrow so they can help" Rantaro thinks then falls asleep with Kiibo

sorry this was shitty I'm kinda tired anyways I hope you liked it<3

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