Kiibos bad day at work (part 1)

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cw: swearing!

yes Kiibo can eat in this also just like a headcanon I have but Kiibos robot stuff is just gear he wears so he's kinda like half human half robot if that makes sense?

Rantaros POV:

I was sitting on the couch watching TV alone since Kiibo was at work (he works as a vet cause he adores animals but his work is the shittiest place ever) until I heard a 'ding!' come from my phone

I pick it up and notice Kiibo texted me

"I wonder why he texted me?" I question

I open the message and read it

'hey darling I will be home a little later then usual today, I got yelled at for crying in the bathroom again so I have to do extra work sorry'

I feel my heart ache at what he said until I got a idea

("I know I'll make him soup for when he gets home to make him feel better from how stressful his job is!") I think

I quickly get up, grab my stuff, put on my shoes, get in my car and start to head to the grocery store to buy ingredients


I get home, set all the stuff down, and put on a apron

"welp time to start cooking"

I heat up the stove and get a pot then I wash the vegetables and start to cut them

I then put the vegetables in the pot and get the actual soup itself and spices and put it in then I stir it

after about 20 minutes I finally finish the soup but I feel like something is missing

I think for a sec then realized I didn't get the bread yet

I open the pantry and pull out a thing of bread and cut it into tiny circles for us then I look at the time

("Kiibo should be home in a few minutes")

I then get another idea so I look around the house for a blindfold and put it in my pocket until I heard a car park in the driveway

I quickly run to the front door and open it and Kiibo weakly smiles at me

"hi dear" I smile and give him a hug

"hello darling" Kiibo says hugging me back

he sets his stuff down and takes off his scarf

"I made you a surprise, turn around!"

he looks a little confused but he turns around and I put the blindfold on him then I walk him to the kitchen and sit him down

"no peekingg"

I start to get our food set up in bowls and put it in front of where we are sitting

"okay you ready Kiibo?" I ask

he nods then I take off the blindfold

"oh my god thank you but you really didn't need too!" he says

"I know, I know but you had a bad day at work so I wanted to make it better!" I tell him then I place a kiss on his forehead and sit down

we start eating as we asked each other about our days

"thank you Rantaro that was very good!" Kiibo smiles

"your welcome dear, I was also thinking if you would like to cuddle tonight? just to get some of the stress off of your shoulders thats all" I ask

I saw his eyes light up as he screams "yes!"

I smile to him then I pick up our plates and put them in the sink

I then walk over to the couch and Kiibo follows

"would you like to watch a movie?"


we sit down and I put on a movie to watch

to be continued<3

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