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New York. A city of diversity and dynamism. Buildings stretched across the horizon, Large billboards advertising famous people and products, taxis blaring their horns at each other, the roar of the subways beneath your feet.

The beauty of the city at night is exhilarating. It sparkles at night. The road is always busy. The Queen of the nights majestically packed her BMW IX that was worth over eighty-five thousand dollars with a horsepower of five hundred and twenty-four in the underground parking lot.

Everybody glared at the black-haired woman coming out of the car like a madwoman. Who in their right senses would buy a car that wasn't on the market yet. She brought out her legs that were adorned with a gold chain and nine-inch platform pumps night clubs cool boots.

She glared at the program loading on her laptop beside her. After successfully hacking into the CCTV in the club she stood to her full height.

She wore a sequin mini dress that has a slit from right below her breast to inches below her ass where the dress stopped. She flipped the bottle of botulinum toxin smirking devilishly.

"Petro Moskal...48 years old...Russian..poor man, you are about to meet your master, Lucifer today" she murmured to herself.

The security men at the VIP post bowed their heads when she walked past them, they knew she was the most feared assassin of America and the New York mafia princess. They worked for the mafia too.

Mr moskal booked for her services tonight not knowing he booked death for himself. She walked into one of the VIP rooms. Mr moskal noticed her presence and acknowledged her to come to the bed. She stood rooted to her spot and smirked at him.

"Ysabel, I booked for your services and not your disobedience, come here now" He demanded irritated at her bravery.
"Mr moskal you demanded my full services so that is what I'm doing" she smiled walking to the other side of the room pouring the already poisoned wine into two glasses.

She handed him the glass and they clicked it together, he motioned her to go ahead and she gleamed at him nodding her head.
She pretended to sip the wine with her eyelids up making sure he drank the wine too.

She smiled in satisfaction and dropped her glass, she seductively walked to him and removed his robe.
Mr moskal liked the girl in front of him immediately, he loved everything about her and can't wait to be buried inside the lovely depth of her pussy.

He couldn't wait to make her pussy and ass bleed, he couldn't wait to make her scream in both pain and pleasure, he couldn't wait to see her all flushed and red, he couldn't wait to see his mark all over her body.

He felt his mouth suddenly becoming dry and his lungs finding it hard to inhale air, his vision blurred and he finally realised what was going on. He tried to reach for his gun at the farthest end of the bed but he couldn't.

"What..did..you..do..me you..bitch" he finally finished his sentence after much difficulty. She smirked and bent to reach his level.
"I guess you double-crossed a certain Jude brown and he sent me here to give you a special botulinum toxin as a gift" she clicked her tongue feigning disappointment, he gathered some saliva in his mouth after much struggle and spat on her face.

Her fist clenched in anger and she glared at him with red eyes.
She used a white handkerchief to wipe the spit off.
"I'll let this your behaviour pass, take it as a last gift from me to you and it is Aliana not Ysabel"

She made sure he was no longer breathing before leaving the room. She smirked in satisfaction and left. She discarded the gloves on her hand that had the exact colour of her skin on the doorknob.

Let's see who dared to find out who the real murderer of the Russian mafia leader is. The gloves were just an act of mockery. Her thumbs were all covered with artificial thumbprints so nobody would find her.

The Russians were dumb after all.

She went outside the club and walked to her car. She needed relief and she would get one.
She brought out her phone and scrolled down to 'scott' he was a good fuck last week and she needed one right now.

"Meet me in my penthouse by the next 30minutes" She cut the call immediately not waiting for his reply. It was of no use to her anyway.

She didn't know she caught the eye of the great Don of the Italian mafia. He noticed her immediately after she left that room. The room where his target for the night was.

He sent one of his guards there and he confirmed that petro was dead.

"Don, c'è un guanto sulla maniglia della porta."
(Don there is a hand glove on the doorknob)

He Drank the whole shot of Martinelli at once and followed the guard. Who was that woman?
"Check the CCTV footage" he commanded,

"Sono diventati tutti vuoti venti minuti fa, hanno iniziato a lavorare cinque minuti fa" The guard said with his eyes glued to the floor.
(They all went blank twenty minutes ago, they started working five minutes ago)

So she did all this in fifteen minutes, such a brave woman. He recognised half of her face but could tell she is a very beautiful creature.
She is a dangerous rose that could stab you anytime. He felt the sudden urge to find her.

He collected the gloves and put them inside a white plastic bag.
"Replace it with another one," He told the guard with his eyes still glued on the hand gloves.

The mysterious black-haired woman, his vintage mission is to find her. He felt his member twitch in his pants, the sudden urge to fuck her camouflaged him. He would make sure to find her. No matter how smart she was, he would find her, nobody was smarter than him, not even the devil himself.

"Find out exactly where these gloves were purchased, I want the files of each of the people who purchased them on my desk in Sicily on Sunday" he ordered his cousin Alfonso throwing the gloves to him.

"Si don" Alfonso replied confidently.

He would have her no matter what, she would be a very good fuck on the bed. Those luscious lips, perfect ass, plump breast. Perfect.

"Hai risvegliato in me il demone dormiente, mia pericolosa rosa"
(You have awakened the sleeping demon in me, my dangerous rose)

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧...

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