Tired of you pt.1?

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Warning! Excessive cursing/swearing

Andys pov


I rush out of that horrid barn. Never to look back. I take a moment to catch my breath. When suddenly, I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder. I yell and grab my pocket knife. I turn back quickly. It was Claus. "Woah...Calm down Andy!" My blood boils. I start to refrain myself from unleashing my true opinion. But, it was too much to hold in. "Calm down? CALM DOWN!? Don't you tell me to 'Calm down'! I'm tired of your 'pranks'! Your a terrible person! And so is everyone else! You know what!? Fuck you! I'm done!"

As I run towards my house, I fight the urge to turn back. I make sure the coast is clear before running behind a big tree. I carefully look at Claus. He has a hurt look on his face. I honestly am sorta sorry for him...But after reminding myself of his true self....He can burn along with the shit show I called friends.

I run into my house in tears. I slam the door and lean on it. I fall to my knees. I start to cry. Not because of them. Not even Claus. The barn was the cause. To put it easily, that barn was hell. He hated every second of it. 

Sure, his friends pranked him every now and then, but this went way too far. He'd be willing to make them pay for his pain. He scans his living room for something......anything for a source of inspiration.....There!

To the left of his couch, an Axe! He'd now have to decide who to use it on. Who had hurt him the most. Margaret.......no...She's like a sister to me....or she was. Felix.....Annoying...but not THAT bad. Melody......no....she didn't have much to do with this....I know it! Claus....Yes! That's who! As he steps closer to the axe, his vision gets blurry....and it feels like he's in slow-motion. Or like he's  being ....... Controled. 

He finally grabs the axe. "Wait...."  He backs up. "What am I doing!?'    He's not doing this... What was he thinking anyway!? He takes the axe and throws it to a nearby wall, perfectly hitting a photo.. He doesn't mind at first....until noticing what it had hit. He slowly walks forward and grips the axe again. With one tug, the axe gets pulled out of the wall, the picture falls with it.

He bends down on his knees. He removes the axe from the picture, that now has a gash across the glass frame. He'd brush off the broken glass. A small cut from the glass appears on Andys hand. He takes a look at it. It doesn't bleed, just a small cut. He sighs and removes the photo from the frame. He stairs down at the photo and starts to cry. The tears fall down onto the photo.   It was an old photo, of all of his friends and himself standing infront of the apple farm. 

"Damn it I miss you...."


Finally a true chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter!

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